Public Recess

Mr Graham Rivers from the Limes on High Street advised the council that he is thankful to the PC and to Ward Cllrs for arranging to help with the traffic issues on Butts Road/High Street.  He wanted to point out that other home owners in that area are also affected by the heavy traffic.
There is a meeting with residents, CPC, SBC Highways and Ward Cllr Shaw on 10th Oct to progress plans.

He also asked the council where plans had got to in addressing the wider traffic issues in this area.

Cllr Brady confirmed that the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee were looking at wider strategic traffic flows and there is an action group created to assess the issues and prioritize them.  We will be asking residents for evidence of issues so we can go back to SBC Highways. Mr Rivers indicated he is happy to join the working party as a resident if needed.

The resident from No1 Butts Road indicated he was in attendance in support of Mr Rivers.

Mr Pearce addressed the Council about the advertising boards outside the Esso Garage on New Road. They are restricting the view of traffic when exiting New Road on to the A346.   Cllr Brady advised we would write to the garage to request they move these and also request Ward Cllrs for assistance with SBC.

All residents apart from 1 then left the meeting.

17/73 Declarations of interests


17/74 Approval of minutes from 11th Sept 2017

No changes.

A proposal was made by Cllr Bates that these minutes be therefore accepted; Cllr Hill seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

17/75 Matters arising and action points

Matters arising

Page 3 – Cllr Hill advised that the zebra crossing white lines on New Road have still not been repainted and need to chase via Ward Cllrs as the crossing is dangerous. The Clerk will chase this and ask for a timescale for completion.

Action Points


  • 17/63. Investigate broken fence at Slipper Lane path to see if it is a danger to the public. NO NEED AS RESIDENTS ARE FIXING IT
  • 17/66. Clerk to thank Ward Cllr Sumner on behalf of the Council in assisting with retaining the school transport links to Wroughton. DONE
  • 17/67. Clerk to provide a summary document of changes to committees. TO DO
  • 17/67. Clerk to provide new meeting dates going to April 2018 COMPLETED
  • 17/69. Thanks Ward Cllrs Foley and Shaw for their work in making sure the Hodson Road closures kept to schedule.DONE
  • 17/71. Report back to SBC planning dept that the Planning Committee are not satisfied with the response from the developers of Burderop Park with regards to exit routes from the site. DONE

Cllr Harris: 

  • 17/44. Reconfigure the committee budgets for change to committee structure. TO BE MANUALLY ADDED TOGETHER FOR 2017/18 FINANCIAL YEAR. WILL BE MERGED FOR 2018/19 YEAR.

17/76 Ward Councillors reports

Cllr Shaw and Foley report as follows:

“In terms of updates – the layby in New Road, the yellow lines by Turnball and the repair work in Butts Road are still scheduled for November. No maps or closure details have been sent out yet. The work on the bus stop at Draycott Foliat – Nigel Hale, Transport Officer, will inform us of the start date as soon as it is agreed.

Pleased that traffic lights in Hodson Road (gas main replacement) have been extended to include barriers on either side of the blind bend as you enter the village from Burderop Barns. I’ve just heard that the work should be completed before the end of this month.
No further news of any Planning Applications within the village.
Re the 3 signs – the officer has visited and where necessary work will be actioned.
I will ask if Streetsmart can put a grit bin near the Draycott Foliat bus stops.
30mph roundel & red warning area on Hodson Road near entrance to the village will be repainted – after gas board work is completed. I’ll also remind Streetsmart that the verges outside & near Home Close will need to be reinstated as well.
Other items
I’ll report the light out in Mays Lane.
I can’t print the revised list of Councillors.
No residents came to Saturday’s Surgery.”

Cllr Jefferies reminded the Council that there is a road sign on the A346 that is still obscured by trees – the Clerk is to chase the cutting of this.

The sign on the High Street is still broken, should be moved around the corner to avoid lorries hitting it on the sharp bend out of Butts Road.

Cllr Martin asked how long the gas works were going to continue on Hodson Road as turning out of Home Close is difficult as visibility is limited. Not all of the holes are secured when no-one is working on them. The lights are also not phased properly.

Cllr Rawlings reports that in Badbury going to Dairy Lane there are large potholes. This is to be reported to the Transport action group and make Ward Cllr Sumner aware.

17/77 Vote on Facilities Management Tender

Cllr Harris advised the Council of the history of this, and all Cllrs had the document scoring the 4 tenders that applied.

Cllr Brady advised on how the methodology was applied to the document to ensure the company who best matched our requirements was selected.

The results of this document showed that STORM were the best fit.

Cllr Hill asked after RoSPA trained staff for the Castle View Play Area. It was confirmed that STORM would get staff RoSPA trained and handle the regular inspections and we would still get an external appraisal done once a year.

The proposal was made that STORM be approved as the Councils Facilities Management company for an initial period of 12 months.

Cllr West proposed this action, Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs except Cllr Bates were in favour.

Cllr Bates expressed concern that the exact nature of the work to be covered was not clear.  Cllr Brady will talk to Cllr Bates about the details the contract will contain.-the motion remains carried.

17/78 Parish Council insurance renewal for the next 12 months

Cllr Harris went through his review of the proposals received from Came & Co, the Parish Councils broker.

Came & Co have recommended the policy by Ecclesiastical.  However upon review, Cllr Harris believes the AXA/Inspire policy is better for the Council.

The level of cover is better and there are more options included.

Cllr Harris also proposed we accept the 3 year tie in option which provides a 5% discount on the policy each year.

Cllr Hill asked if we are covered for data protection breaches which we would be.

It was noted that storm damage to fences still cannot be covered and that commercial policies do not offer no claims discounts.

Cllr Harris proposed that the Parish Council agree to accept the AXA/Inspire policy as the Parish Councils policy provider for the next 12 months. Cllr Costigan seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

Cllr Harris then proposed that the Parish Council agree to tie in to the 3 year 5% discount option. Cllr Costigan seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

It was noted that over the 3 years the IPT rate would change.

17/79 Networking Tea Party discussion on possible changes to format

It was discussed how in past years the tea party was held to bring local groups together which it appears to have achieved over the past few years.

An idea was raised to combine the tea party with the Councils annual meeting in May.

This item will be discussed and voted on in the November full council meeting.

17/80 Revised SBC Consultation Policy feedback

A document had been supplied to all Cllrs prior to the meeting so time was taken to go through this document.

The council was in agreement that the changes to the policy were approved by the Parish Council and they would like to see the new document guidelines used in all relevant situations moving forward. The council would also like to see case studies of where this new document has been used.

Action for the Clerk to write back to SBC with these comments.

17/81 Community Safety

Cllr Sunners advised the council that the last Neighbourhood Watch meeting was 2 weeks ago with 6 members attending.  In terms of crime, the Parish levels appear to be  low at the moment.

Cllr Sunners has asked PC Sophia Best for the location of any crimes that do occur as this will be useful to raise awareness in specific areas.

Cllr Sunners recently attended a SBC meeting to listen to a proposal to provide fairer funding to Wiltshire Police.

17/82 Committee Structure confirmation of compliance following re-structure

All Cllrs were advised that now the committee structure had changed that an individual Cllr would no longer take on specific tasks. These would be allocated to a subgroup or working party.

It was also clarified that the Finance Committee is responsible for leases, contracts and staff issues.

The Tennis Club rental and contract matters would report to Finance

17/83 Review of Committee minutes and documents

Cllr Harris has replied to the Tennis Club in regards to their questions over the lease and contract. He is awaiting a reply.

The Clerk will be attending a first aid course.

The Library funding request from Wroughton Library did not get voted through. We will continue to talk to them about future assistance and the EGPA committee is looking at other alternatives.

Cllr Harris advised that the September Finance figures needed approving.

There were no questions on the figures and so Cllr Costigan proposed the figures be accepted as accurate. Cllr Rawlings seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

Environment, General Purpose and Amenities (EGPA):
Cllr West advised that budget items need to go to the Clerk for the next agenda.

All general queries on EGPA matters to go to the Clerk as well as Cllr West.

A Christmas tree is being organised for New Road, the funds will come out of the Finance budget for this.

Transport report from Cllr Hill:
The out of date Thamesdown information has finally been removed from the bus stops.

The Salisbury Reds service now take contactless payments.

SBC are starting to explore the new bus station requirements in Swindon. There are currently no disabled facilities.

Planning, Transport Development and Highways:  
Cllr Brady reported that the committee had reported back concerns to SBC over flooding risk on Slipper Lane after the new Manor House development is complete. Also the level of drains on the road are too high from the road surface making it difficult for water to enter existing drains.

A new action group has been formed with Cllr Martin, Rawlings, McDonald and Mills. They will  look at the transport issues around the Parish and work on priority order and evidence.

They will report back to Full Council in Jan 2018. An on-line survey tool for residents to report evidence of issues is to be set up by Cllr Harris and Cllr West.

Items on the list will be given a weighting so it is transparent how the priority order is decided.

Cllr Martin advised that there was a request made for a meeting with Highways England and MP Robert Buckland for M4 J15 matters. 2 dates were given by Highways England but the dates were not confirmed so Highways England are now not available until Jan 2018.

17/84 AOB

Cllr Sunners advised that 3 flooring contractors are being asked for quotes for a new Rec Hall covering. A short pile carpet is the best option.  Cllr Sunners has repaired the hole in the wall.

The Youth Mobi is still working well and has a good feel to it. Open term time 7.30 to 8.45pm Thursday evenings.

Cllr Hill confirmed that white lines were painted by SBC at the Draycot Foliat cross roads and the resident concerned is now happy.

Cllr Hill asked after the recent CIL document that SBC distributed. Cllr Brady would like Ward Cllr Shaw to clarify the document at the next Full Council meeting.  Action for Clerk to request this.

The Clerk is to find out the ways in which CIL money can be spent and the procedure for this.

There are still residents concern over rats at Chiseldon Primary School. The Clerk is to ask Ward Cllr Foley on an update for this.

Cllr West requested that at least 1 Ward Cllr attempt to make a meeting each month.

Cllr Bates reported that the hedges from the edge of Chiseldon village to Hodson are overgrown. This will be a mixture of landowner and SBC. The Clerk to email both to request hedge cutting.

Meeting closed at 21.05

Summary of Action Points


  • 17/67. Clerk to provide a summary document of changes to committees
  • 17/67. Clerk to provide new meeting dates going to April 2018
  • 17/75. Ask Ward Cllrs to chase up zebra crossing lines on New Road
  • 17/76. Ask Ward Cllrs to chase cutting back of trees obscuring sign on A346 Plough Hill
  • 17/79. Move Tea Party discussion to Nov full council meeting
  • 17/80. Reply to SBC with comments from consultation document changes
  • 17/83. Schedule Transport Concerns action group to update Full Council in Jan 18th
  • 17/84. Ask Cllr Shaw to attend Nov Full Council meeting and provide information on CIL procedures.
  • 17/84. Investigate procedures for CIL spending
  • 17/84. Ask Cllr Foley for update on rat reports at Primary School
  • 17/84. Contact SBC and Landowners ref hedge cutting on Hodson Road leading to Hodson Village