Public Recess

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17/22.  Declarations of interests.


17/23. Approval of minutes from 8th May 2017.

Page 3 – Add “Cllr” before “Jefferies” on 17/19

A proposal was made by Cllr Hill that these minutes be therefore accepted; Cllr Bates seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

17/24. Matters arising and action points.

Matters arising:

  • The memorial trust will be discussing the proposed grant for the defibrillators on 21st June.
  • Page 2 – Cllr Hill reported that he has been advised of a good service from SBC staff at the recycling centre in regards to advice on opening days etc
  • The Clerk is to add the webcam link to FB and website to check for when the site is busy.
  • 17/16 Parishing info – the Clerk to send out information to all Cllrs about extra services taken on.
  • Page 4 – Cllr Hill thanked Ward Cllrs Foley and Shaw for their work in getting the bus stop flags erected, with the timetables going in this week.
  • Cllr Hill noted that the speed limit on the Marlborough Road from Coate to Old Town has been reduced from 40 to 30mph. If drivers go over 51mph the new speed limit fines and points will come into effect.

Action Points:

  • Ward Cllr Shaw 16/107 – Ward Cllr Shaw will investigate this in May 2017 and report back to the PC on the status of streetlights for the A346 Plough Hill.  No update on why there are not lights on this stretch of road. Cllr Jefferies would still like an update on why lights are not present.
  • Cllr Brady suggested that Cllr Jefferies email this enquiry to Cllr Mills to be added to the Transport Development Committees list of areas to monitor and investigate for improvements.
  • Clerk – 17/04 – Ward Cllr Shaw sent an update back that SBC will be using the chippings on Ladysmith Road.
  • Cllr Foley will email SBC planning dept to request a meeting/training session on the land supply plan, what makes a relevant planning objection and also the challenges faced from 106 agreements being challenged.  Richard Bell will also be invited to attend.
  • Ref action 17/21 – Ward Cllr Shaw has taken photos at Draycott Foliat and will deliver them to SBC for Paul Spice to arrange for the hedges to be cut.
  • It was confirmed that people signing up to green waste services will pay a proportional cost now, so that everyone can be renewed at once on an annual basis.

All other actions completed.

17/25 Ward Councillors reports.

Cllr Foley:

Speeding through Hodson to Broome Manor – Cllr Foley has met with Suzanne Coles and is talking about the Marlborough Road speeding.

There are some 106 funds available to try to extend the 30ph limit in this area. Will be trying get a 40mph limit for Hodson.

Cllr Foley clarified that the TRO for new road will go out in June, corrected misunderstanding that the lines will not be installed in June. It might be 2 more months depending on what objections are raised.

In regards to the New Road layby this installation is linked to the same TRO –  parking will be on a first come first served basis. The housing officer will advise residents of this.

Cllr Shaw has withdrawn his objection to the Esso Station storage area. The CPC Planning committee had no objections to the application on the basis that specific conditions could be met, otherwise they wished for this to go to SBC planning committee.  The Clerk is to send the original communication to Cllr Foley so she can follow up with SBC planning officers.

The Clerk is to also send over the official CPC status in regards to the New Road build out to Cllr Foley so she can get an update from SBC.

17/26 STORM facilities management presentation.

STORM presented their business package to the committee. This covers making sure their client is legally covered for all requirements for electrical and water safety etc.

They also provide preventative maintenance and a reactive service as well as consultancy.

They have a 1 point of contact system and act as a project manager.  They have all trades available and can provide 24/7 maintenance.

Some of their existing customers are Wick Hill, Stratton St Margaret Parish Council and Eastcott vets.

As an example it costs Stratton St Margaret £15000 a year for their services, plus adhoc work.

They normally have a year’s contract to start, with a rolling monthly contract after that.

They have a schedule that they adapt to suit each client.

They provide H&S advice also.

They have 7 of their own staff including water, electricity and plumbing engineers and a contractors team of about 40.

Cllr Brady proposed that STORM come to the next environment meeting to discuss the plans further.

The Clerk is to talk to Tracy the Clerk at Stratton St Margaret to see how they rate their service.

STORM left the meeting at 20.44

17/27 Review and vote on Annual Governance Statement from 2016/17 external audit.

The document from the Clerk was reviewed and proposed as accepted by the council by Cllr Walton; this was seconded by Cllr Brady and all those at the meeting in favour.

17/28 Review and vote on Annual Accounting Statement from 2016/17 external audit.

The document from the Clerk was reviewed and proposed as accepted by the council by Cllr Walton; this was seconded by Cllr Costigan and all those at the meeting in favour.

17/29 Review and vote on CTSG proposals from SBC (council tax support grant)

Cllr Harris advised that the Finance Committee had viewed the documents and voted that option 3 be the fairest and most cost effective option for CPC.

The proposal is therefore that the full council vote to accept option 3 as the preferred CTSG option from SBC.

A proposal was raised that the full council accept option 3 as the preferred option for CTSG payments by Cllr Hill; Cllr Rawlings seconded this proposal and all Cllrs were in favour.

The Clerk will report this back to SBC.

17/30 – Finance review of committee spend against budget

This item was deferred to the July Full Council meeting. Cllr Harris will send round figures before this meeting

17/31 – Update on M4 J15 meeting

Cllr Martin updated the council in regards to the briefing notes that had already been distributed. The project is developer driven, they are not concerned with fixing current traffic issues.

No-one seems to have considered whether purchasing land at the roundabout to allow a dedicated westbound slip road is feasible.

All local parishes have a concern over rat runs. There is a need to find out if New Road will be considered in this scheme for improvements. We need to be able to see the modelling that has taken place to show what will happen to local roads after this work is done.

There is meeting on Tuesday 20th June with other parishes to make sure everyone has the same goals and can provide joint feedback to SBC and our Ward Cllrs.  Wroughton, Wanborough and Liddington are attending this meeting with us.

Cllr Mills has emailed Highways England and has been advised that the A346 is not their responsibility. He is now waiting for Swindon Enterprise to get back to him.

The Clerk is to add this as an agenda item for July full council for an update.

17/32 – Keeping CPC apolitical

It was noted that the newly created parishes have political candidates on their councils.  Cllr Costigan commented that we should keep the needs of our parish as the main goal and keep politics out of any decision making.

Cllr Sunners is strongly agreement of this but warns not to underestimate the strength of some political forces in putting Cllrs in key positions within these parishes.

Cllr Brady reiterated that the needs of the residents come first and the PC is here to serve the residents.

It was commented that Cllr Brady has done an excellent job the past 2 years keeping the PC non political.

Cllr Brady feels we need an official parish document stating that we are non political.

The Clerk is to talk to the Clerk at Haydon Wick for advice on this and Cllr Brady will talk to Stephen Taylor at SBC.

This will be added to the full council agenda for 3 months’ time for an update.

17/33  Composition of Committees

Cllr Brady briefed the council on the possibility of merging some committees and creating smaller sub committees for items such as building maintenance.

A document with some proposed ideas will be made available for discussion at the July full council meeting.

17/34 – Review of Committee minutes and documents


There are no minutes for review yet but the May transactions were presented to the council. There were no queries on these transactions and they had already been voted on by the Finance Committee.

Cllr Harris briefed the Council on items discussed that will be in the Finance minutes when they are released.


Cllr West advised there was nothing to report.

Cllr Sunners thanked Cllr Rawlings for his time as Chair of the Environment committee and the work on the Streetsmart services handover. Cllr Walton seconded this.

Transport report from Cllr Hill:  

The new bus stops are now installed.

There is a new SBC proposal to stop the 6th formers from using the school bus service.

The Clerk is to check the deadline for this review to make sure the Council put forward their opinion.


Cllr Sunners advised he is happy to stay as Chair for now whilst the committee structure is being reviewed.

The Youth Mobi is having problems with reliability from time to time. Cllr Sunners invited his other Cllrs to the CVPA field to see the work done. Starts at 7.30pm on a Thursday and lasts until about 8.45.

Cllr Brady thanked the Clerk for the work involved in setting up the tombola stall at the Church fete. Also thanks to Cllr Beaumont for the donated cake and other Cllrs for their donated items. £152 was raised.

Still waiting for the Esso and Manor house planning decisions.

The New Road developers attended the last planning meeting and their pre application will be submitted soon. Their main selling point is that SBC haven’t filled their affordable housing quota.

Cllr Brady advised that we will ask SBC  for their land supply plan. The council need to review all the facts and need to be impartial until we have assembled all the information, we will then most certainly need to hold a public consultation.

The final vote on the New Road development will be taken to full council.

The Council also noted that planners and SBC to look at current brownfield sites within the Parish.

Transport Development:   Nothing new to report. Cllr Brady is collating a list of areas of concern within the parish for the committee to work on.

17/35. AOB

Cllr Beaumont advised that the 30mph signs approaching the village are becoming overgrown. The Clerk will report this to SBC.

Cllr Hill has 2 residents in Badbury who may want to be a Cllr, he will talk to them further.

Cllr Bates commented on the fly tipping on the track leading to the Rec ground. 27 Carrisbrook Terrace. The Clerk is to write a letter asking them to clear it.

Cllr Mills expressed his concerns over how much money SBC is cutting back. How many more services will they pass to parishes? Are we equipped to handle this? What are the other parishes doing?         This needs to be fed back to Ward Cllrs if we have specific future concerns.

The meeting closed at 21.48.

Summary of Action Points

All actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.


  • 16/107. Ask Ward Cllr Shaw if he has found out why the A346 does not have street lights going toward M4 – ongoing, Cllr Shaw to advise.
  • 17/24. Add the SBC webcam link to the FB page and website for checking when recycling area is not busy.
  • 17/24. Send all Cllrs the extra parishing work info
  • 17/25. Send Cllr Foley our original communication on planning application for Esso service station
  • 17/25. Send Cllr Foley our official status on the New Road buildout so an update from SBC can be provided.
  • 17/26. Talk to Tracy, the Clerk at Stratton St Margaret about their agreement with STORM.
  • 17/29. Report back to SBC that option 3 is the choice for CTSG from CPC
  • 17/30. Re-schedule finance review of committee against budget to July agenda.
  • 17/31. Add M4 J15 update to next full council meeting agenda.
  • 17/32. Talk to Haydon Wick Clerk about remaining an apolitical council – ask for advice. Add this agenda item for 3 months’ time.
  • 17/33. Add composition of committees to July main council agenda.
  • 17/34. Check deadline for SBC new school bus proposal so CPC can get their reply in.
  • 17/35. Write to resident at 27 Carrisbrook Terrace with regards to fly tipping at the rear of their property.

Ward Cllr Shaw:

  • 16/107. Query SBC on whether A346 towards M4 should have street lighting for houses along this road. Also ask SBC why SBC vans were at the location of the Build Out on New Road.

Cllr Jeffries:

  • 17/24. Email Cllr Mills the concerns over lack of lighting on the A346 heading towards the roundabout so he can add to the Transport Committees list of concerns to work on.

Cllr Foley:

  • 17/24. Request that SBC planning team have a meeting/training session with CPC on their land supply plan, what makes a relevant planning objection and challenges faced by 106 agreements being challenged. Richard Bell to be invited also.

Cllr Harris:

  • 17/30. Send committee Chairs their expenditure against budget for next full council meeting

Cllr Brady:

  • 17/32. Talk to Stephen Taylor at SBC about how we can create a document for the PC remaining apolitical.