18/97. Declarations of interests.

Cllr Jefferies and Cllr Mills in relation to planning application S/19/1353.

18/98. Approval of minutes from 14th Jan 2019

No changes

A proposal was made by Cllr Bates that these minutes be therefore accepted; Cllr Matt Harris seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

18/99. Matters arising and action points:

Matters arising:

Page 1 – it was confirmed that Ward Cllr Sumner had not responded in regards to the broken street light at High Street/Church St/Butts Road.
Cllr Sunners has talked to Lisa Willoughby at SBC about light ambiance levels for the LED bulbs. She has asked Cllr Sunners to submit an email highlighting the concerns over rural areas and lighting. She has confirmed there is currently no special consideration for rural areas.

Cllr Sunners to update Clerk with list of lights currently not working for reporting to SBC

Page- The Clerk is to chase up the PCC’s Secretary in regards to the publication of the increase of gov funds to the police. The £2 police precept increase for band D household has been confirmed.

Page 3 – School transport is to be reviewed due to J15 being restricted for 3 years due to road works. It could be a smaller bus or a taxi service. The contractor doing the J15 work will get an update on large vehicle movements. This info is from Nigel Hale at SBC via Cllr Hill.

The trees on the A346 are still in desperate need of being cut back. The footpath is also overgrown and needs cutting back.
The potholes there are also getting larger.

The Clerk is to chase up Cllrs doing the GDPR on-line training.

Cllr Brady has completed the AVC form for the Calley Arms in Hodson and will arrange for it to be sent to SBC.


All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.


17/76 Ask Ward Cllrs to chase cutting back of trees obscuring sign on A346 Plough Hill. ONGOING, WAITING FOR HIGHWAYS. Cats eyes and white lines to be renewed as well.

18/89 Follow up with PCC to replies he was going to give from the December presentation. ONGOING

18/89 Send Cllrs the details of questions asked by the public about the SHELAA. DONE

18/90 Reply to SBC on their policies and protocol document with any comments from Cllrs. DONE

18/91 Reply to SBC planning with decision on application S/18/1979. DONE

18/95 Add info to website about Wellington Street being closed near train station. DONE

18/95 Next planning agenda – new Transport rep needed after May. DONE

18/96 Add to March full agenda – May 2019 local elections DONE


17/68 All Cllrs to do on-line GDPR training.

Cllr Brady

18/61 Submit ACV for Calley Arms to SBC

18/100 Investigate 99 year lease for land at Strouds Hill and Castle View Road

Cllr Brady advised that if CPC took over leases on this green land, the PC could have it written into the lease that no building was allowed, thus protecting this land from development.

The proposal to the committee is to instruct the Clerk to continue investigating this.

Cllr Bates proposes that this be investigated further. Cllr Jefferies seconded. All Cllrs voted in favour.

A suggestion was made that Home Close “nature area” be included in this.

18/101 Planning Committee – Planning Appeal for 5 dwellings at Chiseldon Farm, Draycot Foliat.

The Clerk will circulate the original comments for rejection that CPC submitted to SBC on these plans.
The developers appeal document is on the SBC portal.

Cllr Brady suggests that SBC be left to fight this appeal as they have already rejected it.

The Clerk is to look at any information SBC used for the rejection document and also North Wessex Downs AONB in case it can be added to the PC’s comments.

Planning committee members are to send their comments to the Clerk before the March 4th deadline.

It was proposed that the Clerk deal with sending back any additional information to the planning inspectorate in regards to this appeal.

Cllr Hill proposes that the Clerk reply with further comments to the planning inspectorate if needed. Cllr Matt Harris seconded. All planning committee Cllrs voted in favour.

18/102 Planning Committee – Vote on planning application S/19/0095 for Hillsborough, Marlborough Road, 2 new dwellings

Cllr Jefferies and Cllr Mills left the room

Cllr Harris commented that the design and access statement appeared to have addressed SBC’s concerns with access.

There are no neighbours comments on the planning portal

It was proposed by Cllr Matt Harris that there be no objections to this application. Cllr McDonald seconded, and all planning committee Cllrs were in favour.

18/103 Create a sub-committee for investigating grants available

It was proposed that this be created as a project group with Cllrs and members of the public.
Would need to check if a trust fund was needed to be created or would the council become the trustees of this fund.

A “shopping list” of parish requirements would need to be created at the next planning meeting, which could then be given to the sub-committee to investigate grants.

Cllr Mills has volunteered for this committee, and the committee will need to go out to the public to ask for volunteers.
Cllr Clarke, Cllr Walton and Cllr Jefferies have also volunteered.

The sub-committee should be fully formed by March full council hopefully.

The sub-committee will arrange its own meetings and update the Clerk when relevant.

Cllr Sunners advised that Voluntary Action Swindon may be able to help. WALC may also be able to provide a list of groups to help.

Cllr Jefferies advised that the public works loans could be investigated also.

18/104 Community Safety

The crime stats are on the Wiltshire Police website. The Dec stats show 7 drive-offs from the garage and 25 other crimes.
2 burglaries in New Road.
Wroughton had 49 crimes in the same period

Cllrs Walton and Sunners attended the last Community Safety forum.
Cllr Sunners has joined the Community Speed watch team

There were zero people recorded as speeding on Draycot Road at the last session.

Cllr Hill advised that Wiltshire Council have withdrawn funding for the speed awareness courses. Now points will be applied to licences and fines given.

Cllr Jefferies advised that the 2nd Memory Café was a success. The musicians were enjoyed by all. Cakes have been offered as donations.

18/105 Ward Cllr reports.

No reports received.

18/106 – Committee reports

Finance from Cllr Harris:

There was no meeting in January. The January finance figures were circulated prior to the meeting. There were no questions.

Cllr Hill proposed this as an accurate representation of the figures for Jan 2019. Cllr Brady seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The Tithegrove invoice will not be paid until Cllr Walton has checked an itemised version.

Environment, General Purpose and Amenities (EGPA):

The Great British Spring Clean litter pick is Sat 30th March. Clerk will add to next Ridgeway Bell article.

Transport report from Cllr Hill:
Stagecoach West will be increasing their prices from 17th Feb. ThamesDown have also increased theirs.
Salisbury Reds are expected to follow shortly.

Cllr Hill went to Wroughton to meet with their PC and Jacobs about the request for a bus shelter on the Jacobs site (Was CH2M) They want to make the service safer for the 20 employees who use the service. SBC do not want to install new street lights in the countryside. It has gone to the developer City and Country and Jacobs to see if they can assist.

Cllr Rawlings arrives at 20.30

Planning, Transport Development and Highways from Cllr Brady:

The S38 for Manor Rise has been chased with Ward Cllrs.

£5000 has been allocated from budgeted funds and reserved funds for legal/planning advice for New Road. This will go to Finance for approval.

The Norris Close layby consultation doc was delivered to homes on 11th Feb. The PC will go back to SBC with a proposed solution once resident’s views are known.

Cllr Brady thanked Cllr Hill for all his efforts with the transport reports. He has written for the Ridgeway Bell for 13 years. Cllr Hill will give his contacts and info to the Clerk.

Risk Assessment from the Clerk:
Risk assessments for Feb are done for allotments and Butts Road and SHCMG cemeteries. There are no further outstanding assessments until March.

18/107. AOB

Cllr Brady addressed the public question in regards to the SHELAA. Following procedures, this vote will not be re-visited for 3 months at least. We will not be asked to comment again until the summer 2019 review.
The PC will then comment again on all SHELAA sites.
Cllr Sunners commented that he didn’t realise the Ward Cllrs were supporting no development on each site.
Cllr Matt Harris advised to look at the planning appeal for Church Lane, Birdham, Chicester Harbour as it has a lot of similarities to Hodson Road.
Cllr McDonald left the meeting at 20.44
Cllr Sunners wanted Cllrs to privately consider the leadership of the council after Cllr Brady leaves in May. The complexity of leadership has increased dramatically.
Cllr Brady advised that moving forward a partnership of Chair and Vice Chair was needed more than ever, plus active committee chairs.
Cllr Hill advised that SBC are spending more on libraries. Wroughton and Old Town are getting extra opening hours. The Core libraries will also get more hours, some up to 20 per week. Cllr Rawlings asked whether this could mean the return of the mobile library.
The Clerk advised on the Settlement and Open Spaces review that SBC want PC’s to help with. The reviews are due and SBC have asked PC’s to do a sample selection of reviews to use their local knowledge. The Clerk will bring this item back to the March full council meeting once SBC send the information over.

Meeting closed at 20.51


All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.


17/76 Ask Ward Cllrs to chase cutting back of trees obscuring sign on A346 Plough Hill. ONGOING, WAITING FOR HIGHWAYS. Cats eyes and white lines to be renewed as well.

18/89 Follow up with PCC to replies he was going to give from the December presentation. Chase up gov. funding figures for 2019/20

Feb 2019 public recess: Reply to resident with the question from public recess

18/101 Circulate original planning app response to SBC for Chiseldon Farm. Also look for any further SBC/AONB info to be used and reply to inspectorate with further comments if needed

18/103 Next planning meeting – shopping list of requirements for grants

18/106 Add Great British Spring Clean to Ridgeway Bell article.

18/107 Provide info on Settlement Boundary & Open Spaces review at March meeting.


17/68 All Cllrs to do on-line GDPR training. CHASE CLLRS

Cllr Brady

18/61 Submit ACV for Calley Arms to SBC

Cllr Sunners

18/99 Report list of street lights not working to Clerk