1. Attendances and apologies for absence
  2. Conflict of Interests
  3. Public recess.
  4. Approval of minutes from 31st July 2017. Matters arising and action points.
  5. Review outstanding plans for decisions to SBC:
    • S/LBC/17/0129 and S/17/0128 – Burderop Park amended plans
    • S/HOU/17/1396. – 16 Carrisbrook Terrace. Erection of 2 storey rear extension and 2 metre high boundary wall.

    Note – all plans can be viewed during the meeting on the projector screen.

  6. AOB – NB No items can be voted on when raised in AOB. Review of Andy Brown (SBC) planning presentation with regards to valid reasons for objecting to an application. (No votes needed)