
Public Recess

Mr G Rivers conveyed his thanks to the PC for its support in the recent resurfacing of Butts Road.

Mr D Pearce queries progress on the planning application for housing on New Road in light of recent technical works on the site. Cllr Brady advised there was no progress to date.

Covingham Parish Cllrs Lorraine Sandle and Derek Benfield introduced themselves. They are visiting a number of PC meetings to assist with ideas in the structure of their own PC.

17/130 Declarations of interest


17/131 Approval of minutes from 19th January 2018

No amendments

A proposal was made by Cllr Matt Harris that these minutes be therefore accepted; Cllr Bates seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

17/132 Matters arising and action points

Matters arising


Action Points from Jan 2018

All action to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


  • 17/76. Ask Ward Cllrs to chase cutting back of trees obscuring sign on A346 Plough Hill. ONGOING – Waiting for Highways
  • 17/115. Talk to Allbuild about allotment water tank lids. DONE. Edges smoothed and handles added
  • 17/121. Contact Sustran ref securing the Chiseldon Firs railway path so that travelers cannot drive along the path. DONE, Sustrans to investigate
  • 17/126. Ask SBC to do a check of all grit bins to make sure they are full after recent use.  DONE. Cllr Shaw asked that P.Cllrs monitor this
  • 17/126. Ask SBC to install a grit bin at Windmill Piece. DONE
  • 17/127 .Invite PC Sophia Best to March full  council meeting and hold it at Chiseldon House Hotel.  Include elements of the tea party event. INVITED – waiting to hear if she can attend
  • 17/129. Advise John Martin of future Transport meetings he can assist with. DONE

Cllr Walton

  • 17/102. Talk to Spar and Patriots Arms about new siting of defibrillators. Cllr Walton is to take this on and talk to Spar.  Cllr Rawlings confirmed that 1 will be at Memorial Hall.

Ward Cllr Shaw

  • 17/97. To ask Nigel Hale on the progress of moving the bus stop sign from the hedge at Draycott Foliat. ONGOING. WAITING FOR BUS COMPANY. Cllr Shaw confirmed works due on 5th March
  • 17/97. With Ward Cllr Foley – chase up SBC planning enforcement visit to Esso Station ref advertising signs blocking traffic views. ONGOING. CLLR BRADY REQUESTS PLANNING ENFORCEMENT INVESTIGATE PLACEMENT OF SIGNS ON SITE AS NO APPLICATION APPROVED.  Cllr Shaw is going to investigate ongoing obstruction issue with SBC planning enforcement.

17/133 Ward Councillors reports

Cllr Shaw reported:

Chiseldon Firs – each local authority must have at least 1 transient site which means the Firs cannot be closed. He is awaiting response from Robert Buckland MP ref the legal position.
Contract with local farmer Ian McMurray had been constructive.

Butts Road resurfacing – In the case of a specific verge being cut back before resurfacing had commenced. This had not been possible due to the verge being owned by the landowner of the property. Highways would in due course amend/update the current road signage.
Cllr Brady sought guidance from Cllr Shaw/SBC on the question on how Highways prioritize their work.

There is no definitive date available on the completion of the Manor House development. The newly build homes are now all watertight.

Burderop Park development – There will be no social housing. Cllr Brady requested further information concerning traffic flow.

The branch on Marlborough Road has been arranged to be cut back.

Cllr Hill & Cllr Bates queried why there was evidence of vehicles parked on grass verge at the location on New Road where the new layby arrangements had been made. Cllr Shaw to follow up.

Cllr Hill sought clarification ref the damage to the High Street road sign at junction with Church St. This was in hand.

Cllr Mills sought clarification form SBC ref what would constitute a breach of safety specific to Highways.

Cllr Jefferies queried why there was no planned investment in the Chiseldon side of J15 M4.

Cllr Matt Harris indicated that the current traffic light management process at J15 required an additional delay time to facilitate increased time for vehicles to enter the roundabout from Plough Hill. Cllr Shaw advised he would keep the PC updated on J15 developments.

17/134 Nick Brock from SBC to talk about Community Reps Scheme

Nick informed the council on an SBC initiative known as “Street Rep” which is a voluntary role introduced in areas of social housing across Swindon.  Nick indicated that 6 people had already volunteered in Chiseldon. Information has been circulated to all Cllrs.

17/135 March Council meeting location discussion and vote

Cllr Brady informed the meeting that Matt Moore from the Science Museum in Wroughton had agreed to talk about developments at the museum for the March meeting.  Confirmation is awaited from PC Best as to whether she can attend.   The hotel has kindly offered their meeting room at no charge.

Cllr Matt Harris proposed that the March meeting be held at the Chiseldon House Hotel.  Cllr Walton seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

17/136 Approval of the 2018/19 precept communication

A draft communication for all residents in regards to the precept increase had been circulated to Cllrs prior to the meeting.

It was agreed that A5 on card would be the most suitable material. Amendments would be made to the content following comments made by Cllrs.

All Cllrs agreed to participate in the delivery of the leaflets

Cllr Sunners highlighted the need to consider H&S for the delivery, make sure there are no letter box injuries or dog bites. Something to push the leaflets through the door is advised.

Cllr Walton proposed that the communication be delivered to all households in the Parish.  This was seconded by Cllr Bates. All Cllrs were in favour.

17/137 Community Safety

Cllr Sunners provided an update on matters discussed at the most recent South Swindon Community Safety Group meeting.

The revamped Wiltshire Police website is a good source of crime statistics in any local area.

He also recommended “Our Watch” website which serves as a national neighbourhood watch site.

The recent Dementia Friendly meeting was attended by 15 locals. The next step now involved discussion with local shops/pubs about their participation in the Safer Places initiative.

Cllr Sunners will progress this initiative.

17/138 Review of Committee minutes and documents


Cllr Matt Harris re-iterated that the precept remained the main focus for discussion.

For the January finance figures, Cllr Hill proposed acceptance of these figure as accurate. Cllr Walton seconded. All Cllrs in agreement.

Cllr Brady advised that SBC are refunding the Firs clean up costs.

Environment, General Purpose and Amenities (EGPA)

Cllr Rawlings reported that hi-vis vests, litter pickers and bags from SBC. All Cllrs were encouraged to participate.   Mike Ash from SBC will be attending the next meeting to talk about developments at the Firs site. The meeting will be in the Rec Hall.

Transport report from Cllr Hill:

The timetables and routes are due to change shortly that will affect Stagecoach and Thamesdown buses.

The recent unannounced closure of Mays Lane due to emergency Thames Water work had led to the bus route being changed without notice.

Planning, Transport Development and Highways

No report

17/139 AOB

Cllr Matt Harris referred to the head-on collision at the build out near Waitrose and the implications for the Chiseldon New Road build out where a near accident had been reported recently.

Cllr Hill proposed that a letter be sent to Thames Water expressing concern at the recent closure of Mays lane without notice.  Cllr Brady seconded this, All Cllrs were in favour.

Cllr Rawlings reported that the earlier community speed watch team had recorded a vehicle doing 83mph in New Road. Although only 3 numbers of the vehicle registration number were recorded, the incident has been passed to the police.

Meeting closed at 21.30pm

Summary of Action Points


  • 17/76. Ask Ward Cllrs to chase cutting back of trees obscuring sign on A346 Plough Hill. ONGOING, WAITING FOR HIGHWAYS
  • 17/127. Invite PC Sophia Best to March full  council meeting and hold it at Chiseldon House Hotel.  Include elements of the tea party event. WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION
  • 17/139. Write to Thames Water expressing concern over road closure without notice resulting in bus changes.
  • 17/102. Talk to Spar and Patriots Arms about new siting of defibrillators. Cllr Walton is to talk to Patriots Arms.  Won’t be at Spar.  Memorial Hall having one.

Cllr Walton 

  • 17/97. With Ward Cllr Foley – chase up SBC planning enforcement visit to Esso Station ref advertising signs blocking traffic views. ONGOING. CLLR BRADY REQUESTS PLANNING ENFORCEMENT INVESTIGATE PLACEMENT OF SIGNS ON SITE AS NO APPLICATION APPROVED.

Ward Cllr Shaw

  • 17/97. Cllr Shaw to update PC on response from Robert Buckland over Firs legal issues.
  • 17/133. Provide PC with further information of traffic flows at the Burderop Park development.
  • 17/133. Investigate why vehicles are parked on verges at New Road layby.
  • 17/133. Request information from SBC on what constitutes a breach of safety specific to Highways.
  • 17/133. Keep PC updated on J15 M4 developments

Cllr Sunners

  • 17/137. Progress shops/pubs becoming safe places for dementia sufferers