
1. Attendances and apologies for absence

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Public Recess

4. Approval OF MINUTES from the meeting on 28th Jan 19

5. Action Points

6. LONG TERM DISCUSSION – Does CPC start a Neighbourhood plan once SBC have sorted their 5 year housing supply?

7. Start to compile list of parish improvements that grants can be applied for. To be supplied to grants sub-committee. Cllrs to come to meeting with ideas.


Voting Items

8. Review & Vote on Application S/HOU/19/0324 6 The Canney. 2 storey front extension & dormer window to rear.

9. Review & Vote on S/19/0393 for 5 High Street.
Demolition of existing extension and 2no outbuildings, erection of pitched roof to existing porch, alterations to windows and doors, widening of entrance and re-positioning of existing stone wall.

10. Review & decide next steps for Norris Close layby plans. Public comments to be supplied to Cllrs prior to the meeting.

11. Discussion & vote on whether Strouds Hill requires a seating area.

12. Discussion & vote on accepting new Public procedure for planning meeting document. – See attached documentation

13. Review planning list of current planning applications.

Transport Development

14. No items


15. Item from Cllr Mills – to formulate Road and other improvements to be placed formally to Ward Cllrs. To link in with any future development.

16. Dykes Mews parking issue – discuss, plus any update received from Ward Cllrs

17. Slipper Lane/Turnball parking and safety issues – plus dropped curb for wheelchair user. Discuss and vote on plan required.

18. Discuss Safe Passing place on Hodson Road in Hodson – There is no public support in Hodson for this scheme.

19. Start discussion on Castle View Road parking issues – for when Norris Close work is sighed off and started. (2020/21 budget)

20. Items for next agenda
(Note, these items cannot be voted on at this meeting)