1. Attendances and apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest
3. Public recess
4. Approval of minutes (from 21st Sept 2017)

Matters arising not on the agenda
Action points


Review accounts

5. Review Accounts for October 2017 to date. Vote on expenditure
6. Vote on Decorating quote for Rec Hall. Approved by EGPA committee. £537.54 (no VAT) from iDec
7. Vote on new carpet quote for Rec Hall. Approved by EGPA committee. £1117.24 inc VAT from Carpet Shop Swindon
8. Vote on quote from STORM for flat roof inspection report. Requirement of insurance.
£200 plus VAT
9. Vote on new Museum railings supplied by Allbuild. Approved by EGPA committee. £1500 plus VAT.
10. Vote on extra weekly emptying of bin near the Farm Shop (at public carpark) as overflowing. EGPA voted on 12 months extra emptying at a cost of £130 plus VAT rather than a new bin at £286.00. Review after 12 months. Work to be done by Allbuild.
11. Approve expenditure of Xmas lights and installation costs of new supply (8 foot tree to be supplied for £30.00).

Costs to be supplied before meeting

12. Approve extra cut if required of Rec field pitches over winter. Costs supplied of £80. plus VAT from Countrywide or £125. plus VAT from Allbuild.
13. Approve costs for Allbuild to remove dismantled shed from rear of Pavilion compound. Costs of £200 plus VAT.
14. Approve extra Parishing costs for Home Close nature area to be maintained. Approved by EGPA committee. Costs are: Initial cut £300 plus VAT, plus 2 annual cuts of £100 plus VAT from Allbuild.
15. Approve costs of £40 plus VAT for new signs at CVPA to warn against littering. Approved by EGPA committee.


16. Work on budget figures for 2018/19 budget. Regular expenditure and one of costs. Refer to Cllr Harris’s spreadsheet circulated prior to the meeting.


17. New Data Protection Policy needed. Project item for Committee member to draft a document to be supplied for review at next Finance meeting.
18. New Committee TOR to be approved.To be circulated prior to the meeting
19. Addition to Financial Regs and Standing orders creating an emergency out of hours list of contacts, including STORM with a set limit of expenditure to deal with emergency out of hours issues. Discuss and Vote.
20. Tennis Club lease and contract
Note – full council to be reminded that Finance is now responsible for lease and contract.
Update on 2017 invoice for the club from Cllr Harris

Staff & HR

No agenda items
21. Any other business (note, items in AOB cannot have a vote).

Current committee: Matthew Harris (Chair), Phil Costigan, David West (vc), Caroline Brady, Matt Clarke, Ian Henderson.