- List attendances and vote on approval of apologies for absence (Absences without apologies to be noted separately)
- To vote on co-option of 6 candidates for Parish Cllr. (if any candidates are in attendance). There are none for this meeting.
- Vote on any declarations of interests – and vote on any dispensations requested.
- Approval of minutes – Full Council meeting 13th May 2024.
- Action Points from last meeting.
- Community safety, including Police report.
- Ward Cllr reports.
- Discussion and vote if required on any matter relating to the Transition of Services from Swindon Borough Council to Chiseldon PC.
- FINANCE. To approve the extra £20 required to cover the scissor lift costs for Rapid Hire, to upgrade the Strouds Hill solar lights.
- To formally note the comments from the Internal Auditor from the 23/24 final audit and note actions to be taken and RFO’s response. See additional information on MS Teams.
- To discuss and vote on the final payment to the former grass cutting contractor. To consider whether the full months tasks were completed and whether the full invoice should be paid. See additional information on MS Teams.
- To formally note the annual increase in costs from our website provider Sanders Webworks. See additional information on MS Teams.
- To review the remaining grass and hedge cutting tenders from the 2023 tender process. To vote on whether to appoint one of them as the grass cutting contractor for the remaining cuts of 2024 and for the following years. As part of this process the council will consider any new quotes that are received. See additional information on MS Teams.
- Approval of policies: Updates to Standing Orders. Website Accessibility Statement. Policies loaded onto MS Teams.
- PLANNING. Discussion & vote on any additional planning applications received from Swindon Borough Council where a time extension is not approved to hear the item at the next planning meeting. Published on the councils Facebook page and on the councils website.
- COMMITTEE REPORTS: Brief reports only please due to time constraints.
- Finance – Review & approval of May 2024 finance figures-loaded onto MS Teams in “Teams/Chiseldon Parish Council/Files” June 24 finance figures to date loaded into MS Teams for information.
- Finance report – No meeting.
- EGPA report from Cllr Rawlings who chaired the May meeting.
- Planning, Highways and Transport report – Cllr Jefferies
- Risk Assessment report from Clerk. See additional information
- Correspondence feedback for Cllrs – if available, loaded onto MS Teams.
- Items for next agenda. (Cannot be discussed and/or voted on at this meeting)