
  1. Attendances and apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Public Recess
  4. Approval OF MINUTES from the meeting on Monday 23rd July
  5. Matters arising not on the agenda
    Action points.


VOTING ITEMS – Planning applications

  • Review and Vote on new submitted applications.
  1. VOTE ON: S/18/1353 Demolition of agricultural buildings & erection of 5 dwellings. Chiseldon Farm, Draycot Foliat.
  2. VOTE ON: S/HOU/18/1455 Rear dormer window. 19 New Road, Chiseldon
  3. VOTE ON: S/18/1434 Installation of sewerage works. Unicorn Business Park. The Ridgeway, Chiseldon.
  4. VOTE ON: S/HOU/18/1460 Single Storey Rear extension. 40 Station Road.
  5. VOTE ON COMMENTS FOR: S/EIA/18/1472 EIA (Environmental Impact assessment) scoping option for Inlands Farm, the Marsh, Wanborough.
    Note – we are not mandatory consultees for this, but can make comments on the application.


  1. Review planning list of current applications.
  2. Discussion & vote on ACV (Asset of Community Value) for Calley Arms pub when needed – See additional documentation
  3. CIL request for New Road planning application.

Transport Development

  1. Update on 6 local areas of concern document – Review updated document and vote on next steps. See additional document


  1. Hodson Road Speed activated signs – update & vote if applicable.
  2. Norris Close proposed parking area – Review proposal and vote on consultation document for residents. Update if required
  3. Build Out on New Road – update from Cllr Mills
  4. Safe Passing place on Hodson Road in Hodson – See additional document
  5. Finalise any budget items needed for 2019/20 precept. To be agreed and voted on. Passed to Finance for their Nov meeting.
  6. AOB
    (Note, items in AOB cannot be voted on)