
  1. Attendances and apologies for absence. Absence with no apologies to be recorded separately. Vote on approval of apologies.
  2. Declarations of Interest and vote on any dispensations required.
  3. Public Recess. 10 minutes maximum, 3 minutes per speaker if multiple speakers.
  4. Approval of minutes from 25th Feb 2021
  5. Action points.


  1. Discuss & Vote on S/LDP/21/0382/PEKO. 5 Strouds Hill. Certificate of lawfulness. Remove single storey rear extension & replace with single storey rear extension to current building regs. Add velux window.
  2. Discuss & vote on any further reply to the Planning Inspectorate in regard to the appeal for S/OUT/20/0772. Saddlestones. Erection of 1 dwelling & assoc works. See additional documentation for original CPC comments.
  3. Discuss & vote on whether to contact SBC Planning dept with regards to correspondence considered as part of the Berricot Lane planning decision. See additional documentation.
  4. Discuss new parking area proposal at Methodist Church on Turnball. No vote as plans & application not available on SBC website yet. See additional documentation.
  5. Discuss and vote on S/21/0297. Landscaping & Hardscaping work to facilitate additional and overflow carparking for existing buildings at Burderop Park.
  6. Discuss and vote on S/HOU/21/0290 Summer House. 9 Home Close.
  7. Discuss and vote on S/21/0326. 5 Industrial Units and Assoc work. Unicorn Business Centre. The Ridgeway.
  8. Discuss and vote on S/21/0328. Dropped Kerb. End of Strouds Hill.


  1. Discussion on New Road survey results so far. See MS Teams for survey results.


  1. No items


  1. Items for next agenda
    (Note, these items cannot be voted on at this meeting)