
PUBLIC RECESS – to receive questions and comments from the public on Council related matters. Members of the public are allowed to address the Chairman for 3 minutes. No decisions will be taken at this meeting. Discussion will only take place when a subject raised is within an agenda item. Maximum 10 minutes

  1. CO-OPTION of Cllr. To consider and vote on any applications received.
  2. LIST ATTENDANCES AND VOTE ON APPROVAL OF APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Absences without apologies to be noted separately)
  3. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS and vote on any dispensations requested.
  4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Full Council meeting 13th September 2021.
  6. COMMUNITY SAFETY, including Police report.
  7. Ward Cllr reports.
  8. Approval of the Crime reduction and Bio-diversity policy. See document in MS Teams files.
  9. Approval of changes to Standing Orders for how many committee’s a Cllr can sit on. See document in MS Teams Files.
  10. Quarterly review of the Parish Council website. Cllrs to have viewed website prior to the meeting.


  1. Discussion and vote on S/HOU/21/1330. 2 storey side and rear extension & flue. Bourne House. Draycot Foliat.
  2. Discussion and vote on S/HOU/21/1393. 11 Hodson Road. Single/2 storey rear extension.


  1. To note the conclusion of the 2020/21 external audit from PKF Littlejohn. See document in MS Teams files.
  2. Approval of a further £100 by Allbuild for the installation of 3 ground anchors and posts for SID’s. Approved by Planning Committee.
  3. Approval of costs of £550 plus VAT from Allbuild for the purchase and erection of Christmas tree, with lights and barrier installed, plus electricity costs. Approved by EGPA committee.
  4. Approval of £325.00 from Wotton Tree Consultancy for the annual inspection of the millennium wood and allotment tree condition survey. Approved by EGPA committee.
  5. Approval the costs of approx £87.48 (suggest rounding to £100 max) to be paid via Clerks expenses for a small rose “garden” in the Sir Henry Calley Memorial garden to remember those lost to Covid19 and the efforts of the community. Approved by EGPA committee
  6. Approval of a further £100 to purchase 3 ground anchors and posts plus installation for new SID’s by Allbuild. Total £800. Approved by Planning Committee. See additional information in MS Teams
  7. Approval of the purchase of 3 new Stocksign smiley face solar powered SIDS from Stocksigns totalling £8628.00. Approved by Planning Committee. See additional information in MS Teams


  1. Quarterly review of budget vs expenditure report. (No vote needed) See documents in MS Teams files.
  2. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Brief reports only please due to time constraints.
    Finance – Review & Vote on September 2021 finance figures – loaded onto MS Teams in “Teams/Chiseldon Parish Council/Files”
    Review & Vote on Oct to date 2021 finance figures – loaded onto MS Teams in “Teams/Chiseldon Parish Council/Files”EGPA from Cllr Rogers
    Planning, Highways and Transport from Cllr Kearsey
    Recreation Hall Improvement from Cllr Randall
    Finance from Cllr Harris
    Risk Assessment report from Clerk
    Correspondence feedback for Cllrs – if available, loaded onto MS Teams in “Teams/Chiseldon Parish Council/Files”


  1. Items for next agenda. (Cannot be discussed and/or voted on at this meeting)