
  1. Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on.
  2. Declarations of interest and vote on any dispensations submitted
  3. Public recess
  4. Approve Minutes from 23rd November 2021
  5. Action points from 23rd November minutes.


  1. Approve donation to Royal British Legion for 3 x Remembrance wreaths – suggested donation £18.50 = £55.50
  2. Review quotes for council building valuations – required by insurance company. See additional information
  3. Discussion & vote on purchasing extra equipment for future Christmas lights events – signage, lighting, portable generator etc. See additional information
  4. Review budget vs expenditure report – identify items from the budget list where committees are yet to spend funds & direct as appropriate. See additional information


  1. Approve increasing hourly cost for self-employed Handyman. Currently £10 per hour. Living Wage is £9.90 (The council are members of this scheme)


  1. Approve process for authorising overtime for Clerk and Admin Officer for NHP work.


  1. Items for inclusion on next agenda
    (Cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting)