1. Attendances and apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Public recess
  4. Approval of minutes of meeting held 15th June 2017
  5. Matters arising not on the agenda
  6. Action points
  7. STORM facilities Management – Update on proposal for the Committee to review.
  8. Allotments
    Final approval and vote of 2 x 6 foot water tanks at £97.22 each plus £200 labour costs plus delivery cost for allotments.
  9. Dog bins
  10. Highways
  11. Street furniture
    • Meadow Stores – using Parish bin for shop rubbish. Clerk has written to them to advise them to stop.  What further action may the Committee need to take?
  12. Village appearance
    • Parish Planters – final vote on design plan from Cllr Beaumont.
    • Update & vote on dealing with overgrown hedge cutting costs for a resident so Albuild can manage the grass verge underneath. There have been complaints about the overgrown nature of the area.
    • Discussion and vote of approval of releasing funds to organise some road sweeping by Allbuild. Priority roads to be identified and suggestions brought to meeting.
  13. Cemeteries & Chapel/Museum
    • Need to deal with dog that comes into cemetery and makes a mess.
    • Approval of extra £100 (approx.) expenditure on damp proof layer for Chapel carpet. Vote needed.
    • Museum has requested air vents in the walls to help with condensation. Allbuild have quoted £200 with parts & VAT to do this. Vote needed.
    • 2 trees need work in cemetery – Morgan Trees have quoted £180.00 per tree (No VAT)
    • Discussion & Vote on using Chapel as book exchange location – run by volunteers.
  14. Environmental Services
  15. Any other business