19/136 Public recess.

2 members of the public, Mr Steve Duke and Mrs Fiona Allen. No comments

19/137. Co-option of New Cllr.

Mr Steve Duke stood for co-option and advised the council of the reasons why he would make a suitable councillor.

Cllr Keith Bates proposed that Mr Duke be approved as a Parish Cllr by Co-option. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Cllr Duke signed the Acceptance of Office and took his place at the meeting.

19/138 Declarations of interests & vote on any dispensations applied for.

Cllr Kearsey lives in Home Close, where item 12 will be discussed but is not in close proximity.
No dispensations required.

19/139 Approval of minutes from 14th October 2019

No changes.

A proposal was made by Cllr Bates that these minutes be therefore accepted; seconded by Cllr Rogers, all Cllrs were in favour.

19/140 Action points: All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


17/68 All Cllrs to do on-line GDPR training. CHASE CLLRS – some councilors still outstanding to do GDPR training.
Cllrs Harris, Rogers, Kearsey, Sunners and Rawlings have completed their GDPR training. Cllrs Bates, Jefferies, McDonald & Duke to complete theirs


19/70 Talk to Football club to see if they can raise a 50% grant for a defib along with the Tennis Club who are looking for a grant.

19/91 Work on placement of AED at Badbury BT box, with Cllr Rogers

19/91 Chase up the Grants committee with Cllr Rogers

19/107 Review budget expenditure doc and report back to full council on the queries raised. DONE

19/122 Create ACV for Smokehouse and send to SBC

19/128 Agenda item to delegate authority to Clerk to reply on simple planning applications. DONE

19/132 Investigate current Cllr and Chairman allowance costs & add to future agenda. DONE

19/133 Investigate law to be used for Living Wage accreditation.

19/129 Advise SBC on Highways projects CPC wish to pursue. DONE

Cllr Jefferies

19/56 Write an article for Ridgeway Bell. DONE. To be used in Dec edition.

19/141. Grant Request from Chiseldon & Wroughton Netball Club

Fiona Allen in attendance representing the club.

It was confirmed that members come from both Chiseldon and Wroughton to play, as well as Alexandra Park. Wroughton PC is also being approached for a grant. They charge £4 per session.
They are asking for £485.00 to cover the costs of hiring an indoor facility for the winter months.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings to approve a grant of £485 to the club. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

19/142. Hilary Howe presenting the history of the Washpool area.

Initiative by the village at the time after complaints over the conditions of the area. The Washpool is on private land, leased to the PC for £10 a year. Lease signed in 2008 for 30 years. Shouldn’t be a problem to extend the lease.

Wiltshire Wildlife trust suggested creating a wildlife project. They have since been successful in getting grants for capital project.

Thanks to the Parish Council for the annual grant to help with maintenance of the site.

Cllr Harris thanked the volunteer group on behalf of the PC for maintaining this area for everyone to enjoy.

Fiona Allen and Hilary Howe leave at 20.06

19/143 Ward Cllrs update.

Ward Cllr Mattock:
The error with the letters going to electors saying they were not eligible to vote occurred with the 3rd party printing company. The company has apologised to SBC and safeguards are in place to stop this happening again. Suzie Kemp as the returning officer will reply to all those affected.

The bridge over the M4 at Hodson will be closed for 3 weeks for investigation work. The capital budget has funds available still for repairs. It is hoped there is no significant bridge work required as there are no funds for this.

The tree issue throughout the borough is a known issue. (lack of resource for maintenance)

Cllr Harris asked about the Norris Close trees. Ward Cllr Mattock advised that SBC did prune in 2018 and whilst they don’t do annual maintenance they will monitor and keep under control.

Ward Cllr Mattock has advised SBC Highways & Planning. of the bungalow hedge on the corner of Hodson Road that was hit by a vehicle and if there are any planning permissions sought for this area, a solution may be able to be addressed as part of that. CPC asked to report back with any calming measures that could be implemented.

Cllr Sunners commented on the deterioration of road markings in general in the borough. It was advised that the Magic roundabout is next to be updated.

Ward Cllr Jefferies:
Dealing with an issue of recycling not being collected from Butts Road.

The Housing Association is transferring ownership of properties to other agencies such as Sovereign. If anyone wants more info they can ask Mike Ash via Ward Cllr Mattock or Jefferies.

The fallen branch at Hodson bridge will be removed now the road is closed.

19/144 Emergency Plan update Report by Cllr McDonald.

A team of community contacts is needed. Doesn’t have to include any Parish Cllrs. Ideally 5 people – Hodson, Badbury, Draycot Foliat/Ridgeway View and 2 from Chiseldon – including the central contact and deputy.

The Clerk will add to the website, FB page and Ridgeway Bell asking for volunteers.

Ward Cllr Mattock leaves at 20.38

17/145. Community Safety report, including crime stats. Cllr Sunners

PC Best has moved to a new role. Inspector Al Lumley is the new inspector for the area.

Sept 19 crime stats. 20 for Chiseldon area, 12 from the garage (fuel non-payment)

64 in Wroughton for same period. Issues with ASB.

The new County Lines initiative is working well.

19/146. PLANNING. Delegated powers to the Clerk for smaller applications

Cllr Harris explained planning expert Dr Pellegram’s advice for Cllrs to concentrate on major applications and the Clerk to deal with smaller matters.

There was concern over the Clerk being the sole decision maker for the council so it was agreed that the Clerk will send a recommendation out on smaller planning application and it will then be discussed to see if Cllrs agree – as per normal meeting parameters.

19/147. PLANNING. S/HOU/19/1500. New Road, Rosslyn

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings to reply to this application with no objection. Seconded by Cllr Bates and all Cllrs in favour.

19/148. PLANNING. S/HOU/19/1538. 13 Home Close

A proposal was made by Cllr McDonald to reply to this application with no objection. Seconded by Cllr Rogers and all Cllrs in favour.

19/149. PLANNING. S/19/1582 Barbury shooting school

A proposal was made by Cllr Bates to reply to this application with no comment. Seconded by Cllr Duke and all Cllrs in favour.

19/150 FINANCE. Addition of Cllr and Chairman’s allowance

Proposed by Cllr Rawlings that there be no change to this and the Cllrs and Chairman would not draw any allowance. Seconded by Cllr Rogers and all Cllrs in favour.

19/151. FINANCE. £20 fee to Social club for Xmas event.

This will be paid out of the donations received for the event.

19/152. FINANCE. Extra work by Sanders on website most searched for topics.

One off cost of £52.50 for coding work, then £10 a month to change the topics.

Proposed by Cllr Jefferies that these costs be approved for changes to the website. Seconded by Cllr Bates and all Cllrs in favour.

19/153. Tree work funding to SBC. Discussion only.

After a discussion the agreement was to go to any further meetings with an open mind, but not to forgot about any insurance implications of this. To report back at subsequent council meeting when SBC has discussed further.

19/154. Vote on New tender document

Proposed by Cllr Kearsey to adopt this document with immediate effect. Seconded by Cllr Jefferies and all Cllrs in favour.

19/155. Information Only. VAT on block bookings should not be charged.

Price list amended to reflect this.

19/156. Committee Reports

EGPA – No October meeting as not quorate.

Risk Assessments – November 2019

Cleaner assessment – done – new manual lifting document included
Handyperson assessment – done – new manual lifting document included
Milenium Wood – done – nettles to be cleared from bench
CVPA – handed out – waiting to be completed
Street Furniture – handed out – waiting to be completed
Cemetery Maintenance – to be done with operative.

19/157 Items for next agenda

Cllr Sunners – Apologies for next EGPA meeting
Clerk to ask Handyperson to take down swing at Canney Green area – H&S issue
Query over whether military graves can have a flower on them on the birth date of the veteran?
Clerk to write a letter to the Chiseldon Guides to congratulate them on their excellent Remembrance Day stones. A lot of local people were very touched by their gifts.

Meeting closed 21.27

All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


17/68 All Cllrs to do on-line GDPR training. CHASE CLLRS – some councilors still outstanding to do GDPR training.
Cllrs Harris, Rogers, Kearsey, Sunners and Rawlings have completed their GDPR training. Cllrs Bates, Jefferies, McDonald to complete theirs


19/70 Talk to Football club to see if they can raise a 50% grant for a defib along with the Tennis Club who are looking for a grant.

19/91 Work on placement of AED at Badbury BT box, with Cllr Rogers

19/91 Chase up the Grants committee with Cllr Rogers

19/107 Create ACV for Smokehouse and send to SBC

19/144 Add Emergency plan request to FB, website & ridgeway bell.

19/157 Write to Guides ref their remembrance day stones

19/158 Investigate legalities of flowers on war memorial graves

19/158 Ask handyperson to remove swing at Canney Green