18/133. Declarations of interest.

Cllr Rawlings is an allotment holder

Public recess. No public

Apologies: Cllrs Matt Clarke, Paul Walton, Andrew McDonald, Caroline Brady.

Also Julie Porte from the Tennis Club

Absence without apologies: Cllr Michelle Harris

18/134. Approval of previous Environment, General Purpose and Amenities minutes from 17th December 2018.

No changes

The minutes of the meeting held on 17th December 2018 were approved as an accurate representation, proposed by Cllr Bates, seconded by Cllr Jefferies; all those at the meeting were in favour.

18/135. Matters arising/Action points.

Matters arising:

Page 2 – 18/123 Street cleaning. It was proposed by Cllr Hill that we invite ward Cllrs to the next EGPA meeting in February so that they can advise on the many outstanding issues within the parish. Cllr Jefferies seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

The Clerk to send the invite to Ward Cllrs and send all EGPA committee members the current outstanding works list.

Cllr Hill reports that new street lights in South Marsden have 2 of the diodes turned off. Perhaps this can be used for new lighting in our rural areas such as Butts Road? Ward Cllr Sumner hasn’t responded to the PC after he was going to ask SBC if they could use different bulbs in rural areas. Cllr Sunners will progress this.

Action points from Dec 2018.



18/38 Report to Ward Cllrs that The Canney doesn’t drain water due to dip in pavement. SBC clear the drains but they soon become full.

18/76 Ask Ward Cllrs to chase up list of trees with TPO’s in the parish with SBC. CHASE THIS ACTION. CLOSED ACTION AS NO LIST APPEARS TO EXIST.

18/91 Ask probation team to clear sludge from Draycott Foliat bus stop area. ONGOING

18/92 Ask probation team if they can cut back hedge at New Road near Coronation Gate if safe to do so. Check with SBC on hedge ownership. CHASE SBC ON THIS ACTION. PROBATION TEAM CANNOT DO THIS AS NOT SAFE. PARISHING AMENDMENTS IN 2017 SHOW THIS IS NOW A CPC JOB. CLERK TO ASK ALLBUILD FOR QUOTE AND CLLR RAWLINGS TO TALK TO LOCAL LANDOWNERS.

18/106 Arrange inspection for War Memorial on New Road. ONGOING

18/106 Arrange annual meeting with Allbuild for parishing contract. DONE

18/106 Ask SBC to clear up diversion signs along A346 ONGOING

18/107 Send out final weed letters to allotment holders DONE

18/110 Chase SBC for hedge ownership at Draycot Foliat. ONGOING

18/118 Send out SSE winter care info ONGOING

18/118 Ask Vicar for any vulnerable people info – with their permission. VICAR TO PASS ON INFO WITH RESIDENTS PERMISSION. DONE

18/127 Arrange for spare Rec hall and overflow gate keys to be kept at Chapel key safe. GATE KEY IN CHAPEL KEY SAFE. REC HALL KEYS TO BE CUT.

18/127 Discuss CCTV quotes at Jan meeting. DONE – ADDED TO AGENDA.

18/128 Arrange intermediate repairs at CVPA with Allbuild, DONE, DETAILS GIVEN TO LEE

18/130 Get quote from KT Electrical for extra motion controlled flood light for Rec compound. DONE

18/132 Chase SBC ref broken street light at Butts Road/High Street/Church St junction. ONGOING. CLLR SUNNERS ALSO CHASING

Cllr Brady & Cllr Jefferies


18/136 BUILDING & AMENITIES PRIORITIES – Tennis Club Update. Julie Porte reporting.

The club has £11,500 in the sink fund for future timetabled repairs.

The membership numbers are not encouraging at the moment. They are currently offering free membership to 31st March 2019. Phil Kerley is coaching children and this encourages families to play tennis together and take up family membership.
The committee has 2 new pro-active members. Chris has left the committee and Mick the Treasurer has moved away. Their first committee meeting is 30th Jan.

Phil and Julie met with Rebecca Hagley, the PE teacher at the Primary school. The school offers free afterschool clubs every day, however the school is keen to get involved. They are going to try to arrange for some classes to visit the club when the weather is better.

Phil is still moss killing on nets and courts.
There will be some coaching classes with new times and a new cardio session on Saturday. Phil will send the Clerk the information for publication.
The winter A&B teams are doing ok.

The entrance to the club is not covered by any outside lighting. The Clerk is to ask KT Electrical to look at the lights at the Tennis Club side of the building to see if they need new bulbs/sensors or further work.

The committee is going to discuss the need for further lighting at their meeting.

Recently there were some children who had climbed the courts fences and were sitting in the decking area of the club. The club will report back if this happens again.

The club would like to extend their decking area to make it more appealing. They will submit rough design plans to the EGPA committee for approval.

Phil is now only working with the Chiseldon club. He is still pro-active to bring in new members and maintain the courts.

Cllr Sunners suggested the new CCTV when installed should also cover the TC area.

Julie left the meeting at 20.00

18/137 PARISHING – Allbuild annual review

The review between Lee Wells at Allbuild, the Clerk, Cllr Rawlings and Cllr Brady went well.
All items progressing as plan.
The Spar bin will be emptied 3 times a week and Allbuild will add this to their invoicing (they had been checking but not always emptying to now).
The 3 hedges that CPC look after since 2017 were confirmed (Near Pat’s roundabout, near Coronation gate, and part of the track leading to Messel Villa.
Cllr Rawlings will talk to Cllr Walton about landowners being able to give us a quote for the work.

2 properties around Turnball need overgrown foliage removing. The Clerk will monitor and write letters if needs be.

Cllr Hill has seen someone near the Spar bin using it for their own household rubbish. He will make them aware they’ve been seen and ask them to contact SBC about getting a larger black bin.

18/138 VILLAGE APPEARANCE – Tommie Statue

Statue received and Allbuild quote accepted to build the base at the Butts Road cemetery. The statue is on loan with the church at the moment.

18/139 VILLAGE APPEARANCE – Great British Spring Clean date

Sat 30th March was decided on for this year’s clean-up. The Clerk will promote using the posters from the website.

Cllr Rawlings will request hi-viz vests, litter pickers and bags etc from SBC.

Lee from Allbuild has already offered his assistance to remove the waste.


There are currently 3 allotment plots vacant. It was decided to offer 2nd plots to current tenants who wanted them. Plots are being advertised.

18/141 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Rec ground CCTV quotes

2 quotes received and circulated from STORM and PFS.

Questions remain so the Clerk is to invite the 2 companies to the Feb EGPA meeting to present their quotes and answer questions.

Clerk to check on requirements for registering with the ICO

18/142 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Extra flood lights at Rec Hall

The quote from KT electrical had been circulated.

Cllr Sunners proposed the council accept the quote of £159.70 plus VAT. Cllr Hill seconds and all Cllrs in favour.
Clerk to add to next Finance agenda for approval.
Clerk to add item to next EGPA agenda ref flood lights on TC side and work needed to fix.

18/143 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Rec Ground trees

Morgan Trees quote is £380.00 no VAT. Cllr Rawlings to meet with Chris Morgan on site to check location and also request an assessment of tree height in the area.

Cllr Hill proposed the council accept the quote of £380.00 no VAT. Cllr Bates seconds and all Cllrs in favour.

Clerk to add to next Finance agenda for approval

18/144 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Rec Ground Security.

No further action at this time as CCTV and extra flood lights to be installed. (Pending votes)

18/145 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Ivy on trees at Rec ground

Cllr Rawlings wants Cllrs to take this item away and bring back at the next meeting. The ivy is strangling trees and killing them, costing CPC money to have the trees removed.

Cllr Rawlings has a neighbour who can offer advice.

18/146 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Castle View play area

Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.

18/148 COMMUNITY PRIORITIES – Football Club update

No report received.

18/149 Vulnerable people and BIOS

7 kids at last week’s session of BIOS. Memory Café is next Friday 25th Jan.

18/150 Any other business

Cllr Rawlings reported that the Council are looking into 99 year leases for the green areas at Strouds Hill and also Castle View Play area.
The Clerk is making enquiries to SBC and other Parishes on the procedure for this.

Cllr Hill advises that electricity is being turned off tomorrow in the Canney Close area of the village from 9.00-5.00pm

The meeting closed at 21.12



18/91 Ask probation team to clear sludge from Draycott Foliat bus stop area. ONGOING

18/92 Ask probation team if they can cut back hedge at New Road near Coronation Gate if safe to do so. Check with SBC on hedge ownership. CHASE SBC ON THIS ACTION. CPC RESPONSIBILITY – QUOTES TO BE OBTAINED.

18/106 Arrange inspection for War Memorial on New Road. ONGOING

18/106 Ask SBC to clear up diversion signs along A346

18/118 Send out SSE winter care info. ONGOING

18/127 Arrange for spare Rec hall and overflow gate keys to be kept at Chapel key safe. GATE KEY IN PLACE.

18/127 Discuss CCTV quotes at Jan meeting – Move to Feb

18/128 Arrange intermediate repairs at CVPA with Allbuild – WAITING FOR COMPLETION

18/132 Chase SBC ref broken street light at Butts Road/High Street/Church St junction. CLLR SUNNERS DEALING WITH.

18/135 Invite Ward Cllrs to next EGPA meeting to update committee on outstanding works in the parish.

18/136 Ask KT Electrical to check security lights on TC side of Rec building – not working. Quote for work to repair.

18/137 Monitor properties at Turnball & Slipper Lane for overgrown foliage into road and write letters if needed.

18/139 Promote litter pick on 30th March

18/141 Ask 2 CCTV companies to come to Feb EGPA meeting to present their proposal for the Rec Hall.

18/141 Check on ICO requirements for CCTV at Rec Hall.

18/142 Add KT Electrical quote to next Finance meeting for approval

18/142 Item agenda for Feb EGPA meeting ref flood lights on TC side of Hall and what changes to make.

18/143 Add Morgan trees quote to next Finance meeting for approval.

18/47 Talk to other parishes about 99 year leases on open spaces

Cllr Brady & Cllr Jefferies

18/137 WITH CLLR BRADY AND CLLR JEFFERIES – Investigate lottery funding for Rec ground carpark. ONGOING – MAY MOVE TO SUB COMMITTEE FOR GRANTS.

Cllr Rawlings

18/139 Talk to local landowners and also Cllr Walton about hedge cutting with tractor and flail. Get quotes

18/137 Ask SBC for litter pick equipment for litter pick on 30th March

Cllr Hill

18/145 Talk to resident using Spar bin on pavement for personal household waste. Advise to request larger bin from SBC.


18/145 Think about options for removing ivy from trees around the Rec ground and other areas.