18/68. Declarations of interest.

Cllr Clarke is a member of the Football Club
Cllr Rawlings is an allotment holder
Cllr McDonalds wife is an allotment holder

Public recess. No public

Rachel Whatley from the Chiseldon Tennis Club

18/69 – Tennis Club report from Rachel Whatley

The club hasn’t had a meeting in September due to holidays but are expecting to hold one in the next couple of weeks. The banner on the fencing has been taken down and if there is another to go up they will ask for advice on where to place it.
The fencing between courts 2 and 3 has had leaf matter from the base of the fencing cleared to stop court damage. There are no excess leaf issues at the moment. The court will be sprayed for moss in the next couple of weeks. There is algae on the nets so they will be sprayed also.

The repairs to the veranda roof are underway and the joists are ready for fitting. The court holes are due to be filled soon.

From October, all tennis venues have to meet 5 safeguarding standards. They are updating their policies but are already compliant. Sarah, the welfare officer is attending courses. There is a LTA meeting in Marlborough on the 20th that they are attending. Safeguarding, recruitment and retention of volunteers is on the agenda.

Julie Porte will meet with Swindon Sports Forum at the end of September for an update. They are now officially members of the forum so can attend the meetings.
The club membership has reached 50. A new adults winter membership at reduced costs has been set up after they received several enquiries.

The Clerk advised Rachel that the broken court fencing will be fixed by the PC and that quotes are being obtained for this.

The Clerk has an action to chase up Allbuild on the external painting of the Rec Hall. If we cannot get this done ASAP we will have to get a decorator in to do the work. Algae on the hall walls will need to be cleared first. Cllr Walton and Rawlings will meet with Allbuild if there are further delays.

Rachel leaves the meeting at 19.39

18/70. Approval of previous Environment, General Purpose and Amenities minutes from 20th August 2018.

Spelling mistake corrections only.

The minutes of the meeting held on 20th August 2018 were approved as an accurate representation, proposed by Cllr Bates, seconded by Cllr Hill; all those at the meeting were in favour.

18/71. Matters arising/Action points for EGPA Committee.

Matters arising: None

Action points from August 2018.



  • 17/116 Arrange for Probation team to clear the sludge at the road edge at The Canney. ONGOING CLLR WALTON AND HILL TO MEET ON SITE. DONE
  • 17/141 Further follow up with SBC on library funding. ONGOING. Cllr Brady to talk to Jane Beaumont
  • 18/38 Report to Ward Cllrs that The Canney doesn’t drain water due to dip in pavement. SBC clear the drains but they soon become full. CHASE THIS ACTION
  • 18/46 Order new bench and arrange installation. JUST NEEDS INSTALLING. WAITING FOR SEE SAW TO BE DELIVERED
  • 18/53 Investigate business rates for Rec Hall and 20% paid by Tennis club. Work with Finance chair. ONGOING
  • 18/59 Ask Allbuild and last fencing company used to quote for repairs to tennis court fence tension wire. DONE – QUOTES RECEIVED
  • 18/63 Update list of cemetery costs and send to funeral directors. DONE
  • 18/64 Get quotes for heaters in pavilion. DONE – will add to next agenda
  • 18/60 Set reminders for cold weather warnings to help elderly neighbours and also promote meals on wheels, Fire safety checks and Bobby Van. DONE
  • 18/66 Write to Scarecrow trail organiser thanking them for their work. DONE

Cllr Brady & Cllr Jefferies

  • 18/47 WITH CLLR BRADY AND CLLR JEFFERIES – Investigate lottery funding for Rec ground carpark

Cllr Clarke

  • 18/60 With Clerk – make sure Merretts work schedule is followed. DONE

Cllr Clarke & Cllr Brady

  • 18/60 Investigate Sports England funding for Rec ground carpark

Cllr Walton

  • 18/60 Send Spec to Clerk for Rec ground improvements. DONE

Cllr Hill

  • 18/65 Provide Clerk with meals on wheels information DONE

Cllr Clarke reported that there are a lot of £5000 grants available, The Solar fund at Wroughton would be a good option to investigate.
Cllr Mills advised that some grants do not allow submissions from Parish Councils, so a trust may need to be set up.
Cllr Walton has another local contact for the Rec ground carpark work, he will pass on to the Clerk and Cllr Rawlings.

The Clerk will pass on any meals on wheels information to Cllr Hill so he can use it in his hospital rounds.

18/72 PRECEPT FOR 2019/20 Any further items to add.

Cllr Clarke advised that a quote of £550 was received to concrete a new path at the pavilion. The Clerk will pass this on to the Finance Chair.

Nothing further to add from EGPA committee


It was noted that the tree at the Coronation Gate still needed the ivy removing from it and the height reducing. Cllr Walton is concerned over overhead power lines in the area. The probation team cannot deal with this if there are lines. Cllr Rawlings to check and report to Cllr Walton.

The sumac trees still need cutting back as well. Cllr Walton will remind the probation team and let Cllr Rawlings know when they are on site so Cllr Rawlings can attend and advise.

The Butts Road cemetery hedge is on the list to be cut back. (Windmill Piece side of the cemetery)

Cllr Matt Clarke chaired the next 2 items

18/74 VILLAGE APPEARANCE – Allotment – increase costs of leases?

The Clerk is to investigate costs in other parishes and report back at the next meeting. Need to know plot size and services provided.

18/75 VILLAGE APPEARANCE – Allotment. Vacant plots

There is currently 1 plot vacant and no-one on the waiting list.

The current policy is not to allow second plots to allow for the waiting list to be cleared. Currently there is one vacant plot and no names on the waiting list.

The proposal is, when this situation arises, offer the vacant lot free of charge to someone who may want a second plot, for the remainder of the lease year, to ensure the plot is kept in use and weed free.
At the renewal period in October they may then lease this plot at the usual cost for 12 months, on the condition that the plot be given up at the next annual renewal if there is a name on the waiting list at that point.

A proposal was made by Cllr Hill to approve this addition to the lease. Cllr Walton seconded this proposal and all Cllrs were in favour. Cllr Rawlings did not vote

18/76 VILLAGE APPEARANCE – Trees with TPO orders on.

The Clerk is still waiting for a list of TPO trees from SBC. It was proposed that the Clerk ask the Ward Cllrs to chase this on our behalf.

The proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings, seconded by Cllr Hill and all Cllrs were in favour.

18/77 VILLAGE APPEARANCE – Draycott Foliat parking area.

Ward Cllr Foley had confirmed that SBC would look into cutting the hedge back, but CPC may have to share the costs of this.

In regards to the tarmacking of the area, it is unlikely this will happen.

The Clerk is to remind Ward Cllrs that a 40mph speed limit in this area was requested. This will be added to the planning agenda.

18/78 VILLAGE APPEARANCE – North Wessex Downs AONB 5 year plan

This item is being moved to the next EGPA meeting as the deadline for replies is 23rd Nov.

18/79 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Improvements to Rec ground carpark

There have been no other quotes received apart from the original costings from Tithegrove and Sam Frost. Cllr Walton knows someone else who may supply a quote so is going to pass the details on to the Clerk and Cllr Rawlings for contact.

Joy riders in the carpark were noted – wooden barriers on the floor to mark out parking spaces will be used to stop the area being used to drive dangerously in.

This will be added to the next agenda for a follow up and decision

18/80 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Grants available for CVPA and Rec hall

Cllr Glenn Mills had attended the meeting to provide an update on grants available for improvements.

The landfill tax credit scheme was introduced in 1996, and was designed to ensure contractors who worked in a community would provide provisions for the community to be improved.
There are various criteria to meet to be allowed to apply for funds as a charity or community group, such as a bank account with 2 signatories.

If the Chiseldon community were to benefit from these grants a community trust would need to be created as the Parish Council wouldn’t match the criteria.

A Parish Council can however apply to Sports England for running costs and building works.

Suez provide funds for community halls and historic structures.

The Wroughton solar fund provide grants of up to £20,000. This includes capital costs and can be used by schools and charities.

The suggestion is the PC look at forming a trust to enable them to apply for funds.

The pump track in Wroughton was funded by a £40,000 donation from Hills.

Wiltshire Community foundation in Devizes is on hand to meet up for advice once an idea is formed for what is needed.

The first step would be to talk to them so they can advise on how to form a trust and apply for grants.

Cllr Mills is happy to help with this.

Cllr Clarke will complete his draft of the proposed Recreation Ground improvements and add details of Castle View play area to it and then that can form the basis of what the parish needs for leisure and recreation.

Cllr Walton leaves the meeting at 20.39

The Clerk then provided a quick update on the updating of the cemetery map at Butts Road. A resident has volunteered to create a new map and show the Clerk how to update it each time a burial takes place.

18/81 COMMUNITY PRIORITIES – Football Club update

Matt Clarke reporting.

Games are now underway at the Rec ground. The pitch is looking good and having their own mower works well. The seeding and fertilizing of the ground by Merretts has also helped.

The ground doesn’t need to be rolled at the moment as it will undo the drainage work.

18/82 COMMUNITY PRIORITIES – Consider and vote on increasing pitch hire costs.

Currently the costs are:

Junior games £33.00
Senior games £33.00

A proposed 10% increase was suggested but split differently across the junior and senior games.

Junior lowered to £32.00
Senior increased to £40

A proposal was made by Cllr Hill to approve this increase. Cllr McDonald seconded this proposal and all Cllrs were in favour. Cllr Clarke did not vote

This will start at the beginning of the 2019 season. The Clerk will write to the club to advise them.

18/83 Vulnerable people and BIOS

The numbers are good for this term, and the start time will be earlier for the winter months. They have 2 new volunteers attending. The Clerk will ask Cllr Sunners for the exact start time so this can be promoted. The CPC logo should be on the new van.

18/84 Any other business


The meeting closed at 21.00

Next meeting: Monday 15th October 2018 at 7.30pm in the Old Chapel

Summary of Action Points


  • 17/141 Further follow up with SBC on library funding. ONGOING. Cllr Brady to talk to Jane Beaumont
  • 18/38 Report to Ward Cllrs that The Canney doesn’t drain water due to dip in pavement. SBC clear the drains but they soon become full. CHASE THIS ACTION
  • 18/46 Order new bench and arrange installation. JUST NEEDS INSTALLING. Waiting for new see saw to arrive.
  • 18/53 Investigate business rates for Rec Hall and 20% paid by Tennis club. Work with Finance chair. ONGOING
  • 18/64 Get quotes for heaters in pavilion. ADD TO NEXT AGENDA
  • 18/71 Send Cllr Hill any meals on wheels info for his hospital visits.
  • 18/72 Send path costs for pavilion over to Finance committee for consideration.
  • 18/74 Investigate allotment costs and facilities at other parishes.
  • 18/76 Ask Ward Cllrs to chase up list of trees with TPO’s in the parish with SBC
  • 18/77 Remind Ward Cllrs that 40mph speed limit requested in Draycott Foliat and add to planning agenda.
  • 18/78 Add North Wessex Downs AONB 5 year plan to next agenda
  • 18/79 Add Rec ground carpark decision to next agenda
  • 18/82 Write to football club advising of new pitch costs from start of 2019 season.
  • 18/83 Ask Cllr Sunners for the start time of the BIOS van over winter.

Cllr Brady & Cllr Jefferies

  • WITH CLLR BRADY AND CLLR JEFFERIES – Investigate lottery funding for Rec ground carpark

Cllr Clarke & Cllr Brady

  • 18/60 Investigate Sports England funding for Rec ground carpark

Cllr Rawlings

  • 18/73 Check if overhead power lines at Coronation Gate would prevent Probation team from doing tree work

Cllr Clarke

  • 18/80 Complete draft of Rec ground proposed improvements for committee to review at next meeting.