
18/10 Vote for New Committee Chair

Cllr Brady nominated herself for the role of Chair.  Cllr Harris seconded this nomination.
There were no other nominations.

A vote was carried unanimously for Cllr Brady to be the Committee Chair.

18/11 Vote for new Committee Vice Chair

Cllr Hill nominated Cllr Rawlings for the role of VC.  Cllr Mills seconded this nomination.

Cllr Jefferies nominated herself for the role of VC. Cllr Harris seconded this nomination.

By a show of hands Cllr Jefferies was voted the Committee Vice Chair by 3 votes to 2.

18/12 Declarations of Interest

Cllr Hill and Cllr Henderson live on New Road, in relation to the New Road planning application.

18/13 Public Recess

Cllr Brady advised the public that in regards to the New Road planning application the P.Council will work back from our SBC deadline of 15th June to ensure we can get a public consultation scheduled, along with a further planning meeting to vote on a recommendation to full council. Full Council will then vote on the decision before the deadline of the 15th.

The P.Council will endeavour to get representatives from the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and the developers, SBC planning and SBC conservation to attend also.

Cllr Brady then opened the meeting for residents to make comment.

Mr Hannath from Turnball: Asked if there had been any letters of support for the development so far. Cllr Brady confirmed there had not been. It was also confirmed that the plans shown at the Chiseldon House Hotel in April 2017 by the developers were not the same as the current plans.  Residents were urged to look at the new plans thoroughly.  The “Planning Statement” is the most important document.

It was noted that the proposed no. of houses had been reduced to 30 which is under the AONB’s threshold for a major development. The layout of the houses is different also.

Mr Hannath noted that last time residents were encouraged to write to SBC to have their concerns noted on the planning portal.  Residents should use this feedback method for this application.

Caroline Spreckley commented on affordable housing. Since the original application was submitted for New Road, the amount of affordable housing in the area has increased. She believes that SBC should attend the public meeting to advise on their affordable housing supply.

Mark Spreckley believes the developers are trying to exploit a loophole in the law which states that AONB land can be built on in exceptional circumstances. These are not exceptional circumstances in his opinion.

Ian Brown from Station Road commented on the difficult access out of New Road onto Marlborough Road during peak times. The proposed plans do nothing to address this.

He also asked whether, if permission was granted for this application, if a condition could be made that further development would not happen on the land alongside the proposed area on New Road.  Cllr Brady advised that there is no opportunity to do that within approval of an application.

The residents noted that Castle Investments owned 81 acres of land in the surrounding area so could potentially build houses all along New Road.

Eric Shaw, who was involved in the original application when he was a Ward Cllr, advised that the original application was dismissed on appeal. He cannot see that the original appeal points have changed between then and now.

Although there is a separate exit planned for the Ridgeway Road, the New Road exit poses a danger to traffic.

Mark Spreckley commented on SBC’s strategic plan for 2026. For Chiseldon is says that there is not the infrastructure in place to support further development. Highworth and Wroughton were highlighted as areas to take on housing supply demand for “other village” areas.

Cllr Brady commented on the need to understand planning legislation changes between 2011 and now.

The developers appear to have taken the “negative” points from their 2017 proposal and adjusted the plans to take these into account.

It was noted that the local flood representative would be invited to attend the public consultation.

Cllr Brady confirmed there have been no approaches to the P.Council from tenant farmers.

Eric Shaw noted that as this is an outline application, changes can be made if it were approved.

The developers can still appeal if the outline application is rejected.

Changes to an outline plan can be made by an SBC planning officer and doesn’t need to go to SBC planning committee.

Shaun Mason from Church Street wanted to make comment on 1 Butts Road.

There has been no discussion from the owners of 1 Butts Road will all the amended/retrospective plans that have been put into place.

It now appears the owners are building a ground floor extension and digging a pit for a septic tank, without planning permission.

Mr Mason believes SBC have not acted on this and the local residents are asking for a review as SBC are not following their own planning policies.

16/14 Approval of Minutes of meeting from 26th March 2018

There were no changes to make to the minutes.

Cllr Harris proposed the minutes be an accurate representation of the meeting. Cllr Henderson seconded. All Cllrs were in favour.

18/15 Approval of Minutes of meeting on 26th April 2018

There were no changes to make to the minutes.

Cllr Harris proposed the minutes be an accurate representation of the meeting. Cllr Jefferies seconded. All Cllrs were in favour. 

18/16 Matters Arising & Action Points

Matters Arising


Action Points


  • 17/77. Ask SBC planning what items they are still waiting for from the Manor House development on Slipper Lane.  ONGOING
  • 17/78. Follow up with Jason Humm at SBC on the New Road Build Out design plans ONGOING. CHANGE OWNER TO CLLR MILLS WHO IS MAKING PROGRESS WITH PHILIP MARTLEW
  • 17/80. Hodson Road needs a safe passing stop. Ask Langton Estate if they own the land in question.  ESTATE HAVE GIVEN PERMISSION, COSTS RECEIVED FROM ALLBUILD. ITEM FOR NEXT MEETTING.
  • 17/84. Ask SBC if PC can repair the verges on New Road/Castle View Road and invoice SBC back the costs. ONGOING, TO CHASE WARD CLLRS
  • 17/96. Write a letter to SBC Highways requesting a site meeting at Hodson Road to discuss safety improvements. Letter to contain incident numbers from the police provided by Mrs Eggert. MRS EGGERT TO SUBMIT FOI REQUEST TO GET INCIDENT NUMBERS.
  • 17/106. Send areas of concern document to all Cllrs for extra information to be added.   Add to list of items to be discussed at annual meeting. DONE
  • 17/107. Invite John Martin and Peter Ridell to next meeting to discuss speed activated signs.  Add to April full council agenda. DONE

Cllr Brady:

  • 17/104. Talk to Cllr Rawlings outside of the meeting about agenda item 17/104 DONE

Cllr Mills:

  • 16/16. Investigate the costs of a planning consultant and feedback to committee. REMOVED. WILL OPEN IF REQUIRED.

18/17 Planning – New Road Application Action Plan for S/OUT/18/0703

It was decided to approach the school for use of the hall on the 11th June, failing that the Chiseldon House hotel.

A flyer will be created and a letter drop attempted to all local homes. Volunteers required.  7.00pm start.

Ward Cllr Brian Mattock will ask if SBC planning can attend the public meeting.

Statements will be requested from any parties that are unable to attend.

The Parish Council will also try to prepare guests with questions that will probably need answers.

The Full council meeting on the 11th will be moved to the 18th and the EGPA meeting on the 18th will be moved to the 25th.

The Clerk is to ask SBC planning if the decision date can be moved to 20th June.

Cllr Jefferies proposed the above as an acceptable plan. Cllr Hill seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

Cllr Brady reminded the Committee on the need for impartiality with regards to FB  and comments at meetings.

Cllr Harris asked if we need SBC legal advice on the meeting and also the fact that we are “requesting” comments on this application more than other applications. The Clerk will ask Stephen Taylors office at SBC for advice.

All public now leave the meeting except 1.

18/18 Planning – 1 Burrs Road retrospective application S/18/0516 Juliet balcony and roof lights

The Clerk confirmed that an enforcement complaint form had already been sent to SBC in regards to the ground floor extension.

Mr Mason advised he has been talking to Sarah Screen at SBC about this application throughout the process.

He believes that SBC are not enforcing their own policies as they do not have sufficient resources. He is going to request this goes to judicial review.

The committee discussed the application and it was proposed that the committees original comments of objections should still stand.

Cllr Jefferies proposed an objection to these plans and a request that the decision goes to planning committee.  Cllr Harris seconded this proposal and all Cllrs were in favour.

Mr Mason left 20.26

18/19 Planning – Which Way Cottage, Badbury S/LBC/18/0759 and S/HOU/18/0758 2 Storey extension

The committee believes that there are minimal changes from the original application to build a 2 storey extension on this site. The new proposed plans are still not in keeping with the original listed building and not in character with the historical settlement of Badbury. The comments of the conservation officer at SBC are agreed with.

A proposal was made by Cllr Brady to object to these plans on the ground that there are no significant changes to the original design and the design is still too visual from the road. Cllr Jefferies seconded this and all Cllrs in favour.

18/20 Planning – 22 Home Close S/HOU/18/0813 Single Storey rear extension

The committee noted that the overall height of the structure had been reduced but the height of the ground floor ceiling had also been reduced meaning that the roof structure could still be used as living space.

There was originally a condition requested by the P.Council on this application that this structure be not used for living space.  The conservation comments need to be looked at and a decision needs to be made whether to have representation at the SBC planning meeting where this will be decided on.
The details of this will be decided outside the meeting and reported back.

18/22 Transport Development – M4 J15 Update

There have been no updates received.  The Commonhead roundabout changes will be made first.
The committee believe there is a shortfall of funds available from the government.  The Clerk will ask Ward Cllr Sumner to report on any update at the June full council meeting.

18/23 Transport Development – 6 Highways Concerns Document

There is no update on this item. Move to next meeting agenda

18/24 Transport Development – Parking Issues at Draycot Foliat

The flyer asking for feedback to residents provided a small response with no clear requirement from residents.

The P.Council will look into getting the hedge cut back to improve the parking area width and ask  SBC Highways to look into tarmacking the parking area as part of the Parish wide parking improvements. Clerk to contact Dave Molyeaux.

The Clerk will ask Ward Cllrs what is involved in requesting the speed limit change from 60mph to 40mph in this area.

18/25 Transport Development – Slipper Lane Parking Issues

The councillors had received a resident email from Mr C. in advance of the meeting where the parking on the corner of Slipper Lane with Turnball was advised as an issue.

This will be added to the Transport concerns document as an issue to look into.  The new manor house development has 2 parking spaces per property. The police have patrolled and not seen anything illegal or dangerous and the highway code is only guidelines to road usage and not a legal requirement.

SBC still need to do the final check on the surrounding road surfaces.  The Clerk is to go to Ward Cllrs for this. A date needs to be advised for whilst the developers are still on site finalising the build.

18/26 Highways – Vehicle Activated Speed Sign On Hodson Road

The Clerk is to chase the site visit from Philip Martlew at SBC with the Ward Cllrs. Also request that Philip visits our other areas of concern within the Parish.

18/27 Highways – Norris Close Parking

The Clerk and Cllr Brady met with Dave Molyneaux and colleague from SBC at Norris Close to look at the parking issues. They were positive about a solution being found and have gone back to draw up some plans. The P.Council are to send photos of the issue. A resident on site offered support to the proposed plans.

18/28 Highways – Crossing Point on A346 For Bus Users

There needs to be a lit crossing point for where the bus stop is on the A346 with a central island.  There is an existing old island where the speed camera used to be.  It would need railings installed to be similar to the crossing at the Esso Station.

The Clerk is to raise this with Ward Cllrs.

18/29 AOB

Cllr David Hill raised the new 40mph signs at Hodson. Over the M4 bridge there isn’t a repeater sign. This isn’t within Chiseldon Parish but the Clerk will pass on to Ward Cllrs for reporting.

The Clerk is to ask about any updates on the stability of the M4 bridge at Hodson, as this was being monitored by SBC.

Cllr Rawlings commented on the new “Unsuitable for HGV” sign at the junction of High Street and Station Road.  Cllr Rawlings, former Ward Cllr Shaw and SBC Highways chose the sign for its overall suitability in the area.  It is so all approaching roads can see the sign.  A resident has a concern with it not being appropriate in a conservation area.

The Clerk is to email Sustrans to see if they are aware of the New Road plans as it may affect cycle routes.

Meeting closed at 21.19


Action Points


  • 17/77. Ask SBC planning what items they are still waiting for from the Manor House development on Slipper Lane. ONGOING
  • 17/78. Follow up with Jason Humm at SBC on the New Road Build Out design plans ONGOING.  CLLR MILLS IS PROGRESSING WITH PHILIP MARTLEW AT SBC
  • 17/80. Hodson Road needs a safe passing stop. Ask Langton Estate if they own the land in question.  ONGOING. Quote to be reviewed at next meeting.
  • 17/84. Ask SBC if PC can repair the verges on New Road/Castle View Road and invoice SBC back the costs. CLERK TO CHASE WARD CLLRS
  • 17/96. Write a letter to SBC Highways requesting a site meeting at Hodson Road to discuss safety improvements. Letter to contain incident numbers from the police provided by Mrs Eggert. ONGOING.
  • 18/13. Invite local flood representative to attend public meeting on New Road development and statements will be requested from any parties who are unable to attend.
  • 18/17. Ask Stephen Taylors office on legal advice for the public meeting for New Road
  • 18/21. Clerk to arrange for the creation of comments to go back to SBC planning committee for Whichway Cottage detached garage application & arrange for a Cllr to attend the meeting.
  • 18/22. Ask Ward Cllr Sumner to report on any M4 J15 updates at June full council meeting.
  • 18/23. Make Transport Concerns document is discussed at next meeting
  • 18/24. Ask SBC Highways about tarmacking Draycot Foliat parking area and cutting back hedges.
    Ask Ward Cllrs for process for requesting a speed limit reduction.
  • 18/25. Add Slipper Lane parking issues to Transport Concerns document. Ask Ward Cllrs for date for road surface review from SBC after developers have finished at the Manor House development.
  • 18/26. Ask Ward Cllrs to chase Philip Martlew at SBC on site visit for vehicle activated speed sign on Hodson Road.
  • 18/28. Raise with Ward Cllrs the need for an A346 crossing point for bus users.
  • 18/29. Ask Ward Cllrs for update on M4 bridge at Hodson update.
  • 18/29. Email sustrans to ask if they are aware of cycle route changes in regards to the New Road development proposal.