
16/18 Vote in of new Committee Chair

Cllr G Mills confirmed he would be happy to stand again as Committee Chair

There were no other nominations.

Cllr Brady proposed this motion, Cllr Hill seconded and all those at the meeting were in favour

16/19 Vote in of new Committee Vice Chair

Cllr J Martin confirmed he would be happy to stand again as Vice Chair.

There were no other nominations.

Cllr Brady proposed this motion, Cllr Hill seconded and all those at the meeting were in favour.

16/20 Declarations of interest

Page 1 – If we invite Ward Cllrs to another meeting – need to specify the reason why we need their input.

Action Points:

Clerk to make sure the TOR is sent out to all committee members

The Clerk is to send all relevant traffic information to committee after the SBC meeting on the 24th to see what data needs to be reviewed.

The Clerk is to ask Ian McMurray for the parish map back so it can be used.

Cllr G Mills: Will have costs of hiring a planning consultant available for when the committee decides on this course of action.   We do have the option of free advice to start with which the committee will utilise.

All other actions completed.

16/23 J15 M4 meeting preparation

The letter sent to SBC was reviewed.  Cllr Martin is talking to Wanborough and Liddington PC who are both concerned over rat runs. The representatives at the meeting on the 24th need to ensure that all issues are raised at the meeting.

The main questions are:

  • Where the plans are currently
  • Where the funds are coming from
  • How SBC will handle challenges to 106 funds from developers
  • What are their priority works if funds run low.

Cllr Hill noted that Badbury Park S106 funds will go to improving the Commonhead roundabout and making a filter lane from the A419 for M4 London bound traffic.

The funds for J15 are coming 50/50 from SBC and Highways England. It depends on 105 money from NEV and Badbury Park, however Badbury Park developers are cutting affordable housing.

(Cllr Beaumont arrives at 19.54)

There also needs to be an understanding of how J16 was dealt with as this will provide insight as to the plans for J15.

The takeways required are:

  • Clarify of funding and priorities of work
  • We need to decide our priority order of works to benefit the Parish
  • What will happen to the surrounding areas whilst works are in place
  • It would be useful to know how Wroughton was affected by J16 works.
  • Need to work with the other affected Parishes to form a stronger team
  • Need to make sure minutes are taken and distributed to all.

Cllr Martin suggested we invite a consultant he knows (Peter Rydell) to our next Transport meeting to offer his advice.

Cllr Hill proposed this plan, Cllr Martin seconded and all those at the meeting in favour.

16/24 Review local maps and data for cycle and bus routes

This will be moved to the next meeting as we need the maps back from Ian McMurray.

The Clerk is to look for a SBC map showing updated cycle routes and bridle ways and footpaths.  Cllr Hill to add bus routes.

16/25 Review and collate information on challenges with the Parish

Cllr Brady is to take this information away and collate onto 1 document so it can be revisited at the next meeting and prioritised and added to.

Cllrs to send Cllr Brady additional information.

16/26 Review transport data

The Clerk to follow up on this after J15 meeting

16/27 Appointment of external consultant

Once the “challenges within the parish” document is created then Cllr Martin’s contact Peter Rydell will be invited to provide us with information on how we can proceed, before we employ a consultant.

We will wait until we have advice from Peter before inviting Ward Cllrs to a meeting.

16/28 AOB

Cllr Hill commented that the new electric trains into London will encourage more people to the area and on to Swindon. They may park in the Parish for their commute to Swindon. This will impact on several problem parking areas we have.

The meeting closed at 21.00

Summary of Action Points


  • 16/22. TOR to be sent to all Committee Members
  • 16/22. Send traffic data to Committee after SCB J15 meeting to see what needs to be reviewed
  • 16/22. Ask Ian McMurray for the parish map back
  • 16/24. Obtain map of all footpaths, bridle ways and cycle paths within the Parish. Send to Cllr Hill for bus routes to be added

Cllr G Mills:

  • 16/16. Investigate the costs of a planning consultant and feedback to committee

Cllr J Martin:

  • 16/23. Invite Peter Rydell to next Transport Dev meeting

Cllr Hill:

  • 16/24. Add bus routes to the map the Clerk obtains for cycle paths etc

Cllr Brady:

  • 16/25. Collate information on problem areas of the parish – document to be reviewed at next meeting.ALL Cllrs to send Cllr Brady additional info.