16/76. Declarations of interest.


Public recess.

No public

16/77. Approval of minutes. Meeting held on Monday 17th October 2016

Page 2 16/67 – Amend wording about the Tennis Club having an issue with their Tennis Association fees.
Page 3 16/74 – Sport England – Amend statement to say that £5.00 per sq meter was just an example given of prices for improving pitch drainage.
Acceptance of the accuracy of these minutes proposed by Cllr McMurray, seconded by Cllr Brady; all those at the meeting in favour.

16/78. Matters arising.


Action Points:

Cllr Sunners and Cllr Bates – 16/170 – ongoing. Decided not to weld the pitch barriers whilst ground is so saturated. Cllr Bates confirmed the cost as being £35.00 + VAT per hour, and it is expected to be an hours work.
The contractor was hoping to do this w/c 21st Nov. Need to get approval from Finance committee to proceed.

Phil from the Tennis Club has made contact with the Primary School, Cllr Bates to try to get more feedback on Wednesday nights Tennis AGM.

Cllr Bowles – 16/75 – The “Next Door” website has some pitfalls as you have to register your address to use the site. There have been negative comments posted when the site has been used in the USA. This is to be reviewed later in 2017 once the scheme has been used more in the UK

All other actions completed.

16/79 – Update on Rec Hall Floor from Lee at AllBuild

After repairing the floor and laying new wood, it was discovered that the joists holding up the walls of the hall were rotten. Usually this type of building is made of a steel frame, but in this case the floor was built first and then the walls added on top.

In some places the walls have dropped by 50mm.

The next steps are to open up the walls on the outside to get a better look at the joists.

The next steps are likely to be to bring in a crane to jack up the building, replace the joists and then lower the building back down. The Committee need to decide if we follow this route.

Lee advised that if we carry out no further action the life of the building is approx. 5 years with some light maintenance work.
The floor is structurally sound and the walls are fine too. The work is for the wooden beams that are supporting the steel frame.

Lee will spend a day on site assessing the building and then provide a quote for replacing the joists. It will cost between 3-5K to prolong the life of the building by 6-8 years. The work would take approx. a week.

There is an action for all committee members to investigate our options. Sport England and the National Lottery provide funding for these types of projects. Wanborough Parish Council gained 50% of their funding from one of these options for Recreation improvements.

There is a need to consider the Tennis Club lease and whether they are legally obliged to fund a portion of the repairs.

It was agreed that we’d request a £10K budget be added to next years costs to cover this work in full.To be presented at the next Finance meeting.

Lee will fix the damage to the internal wall with plywood.

Action for Cllr Walton to contact Elliots who supplied the building to ask if they have any advice to offer.
Cllr Sunners will talk to Cllr Walton about this.

Lee then left the meeting at 19.33

16/80. Football matters.

Matt requested an update on the showers. This is still in progress as we need to get another quote.
Cllr Brady has given Cllr Sunners a new contact for a quote

The fencing contractor has been given an deposit and asked to start the work.
There is a large amount of dog fouling on the pitches which is unacceptable. The Clerk is to remind everyone via website and FB that this shouldn’t be happening. It needs to be monitored and the committee need to decide if another dog bin is needed in the middle of the field.

Lee reported that the juniors are still doing well.
The adults are having to play their matches at Ridgeway at the moment which increases their costs.
They are looking at grants for facilities for the pitch and pavilion.

16/81. Tennis Club

No representation for the club was in attendance

The AGM is this coming Wednesday and they would like a member of the Parish Council to also agree to be a trustee.
Ian suggested that when juniors sign up, their parents receive a welcome back to encourage them to join up. Cllr Bates will mention this at the AGM.

It was asked that Cllr Bates also mention the club trying to engage in more fund raising. They need to find out best practice and share ideas. It was asked that Cllr Bates feed back on their FB activity which has improved but to increase this further still.

Cllr Sunners is also going to consider attending their AGM.

16/82. Pavilion

Discussed elsewhere on the agenda.

16/83 CVPA

Nothing to report. Cllr Sunners is still doing the weekly checks. A lot of litter at the moment. Action for Clerk to talk to Cllr Rawlings and Lee at Allbuild about where the litter picks take place.

16/84. Recreation Ground

Fencing has been approved and requested that work start along with a deposit sent.
A light isn’t working on the new lighting, Cllr Sunners to contact Newsons about this.

16/85. Recreation Hall

Discussed elsewhere on the agenda

16/86. Youth Activities

Amy is leaving the BIOS team soon. Cllr Sunners suggested a card and gift token to thank her for making the scheme such a success. It was proposed by Cllr Bates, and seconded by Cllr Bowles that a £20.00 gift token and card be purchased.

16/87. Care of vulnerable people.

Nothing to report. The damp and winter weather letter went out to all those in Downes Road bungalows.

16/88. Any Other Business.

Cllr Bowles raised the question that could a Parish Councillor legally be a tennis club trustee? Cllr Brady to ask Lois at Withy King if there are restrictions on this.
Cllr Sunners has engaged the school with creating a new Parish Logo.

It was confirmed to move the 17th April 2017 meeting to the 24th April due to it being Easter weekend.

Cllr Jeffries has added the Tennis Club to the Raring2Go magazine, and has asked that the Tennis Club contact her if they would like copies to distribute.

The meeting closed at 20.09

Date of next meeting: Monday 19th December 2016 at 7.00pm in The Old Chapel, Butts Road.

Summary of Action Points


16/41 To arrange a formal contract with Sheena Smith for her cleaning provision. Need to arrange for Sheena to sign. Amendments needed to the contract.

16/78 To get it arranged for £35.00 plus VAT costs for welding at Rec Hall compound.

17/78 Present a 10K budget requirement for Rec Hall repairs to finance meeting

17/80 Use FB and website to remind about dog fouling in Rec field and on pitches.

16/83 Ask Cllr Rawlings and Lee from Allbuild for the areas that are litter picked as part of their contract.

Cllr Walton

17/78 Contact Elliots to see if they can offer advice in regards to the Rec Hall joists issues.

Cllr Sunners

16/170 With Cllr Bates: Discuss the extra welding requirements for the football pitch barriers.

16/79 Check Tennis Club lease to see if they are legally obliged to fund a portion of the hall repair work.

16/84 Contact Newsons about a light not working after recent Rec Hall work

16/86 Purchase card and £20 gift token for Amy at BIOS as leaving present.

16/78 Obtain feedback from Phil the Tennis Coach at the Tennis Club AGM as to how he is proceeding with engaging the Primary School.

Cllr Bates

16/81 Ask at Tennis club, before the AGM whether junior members’ parents receive a welcome pack, to encourage the parents to also become members.

16/79 Feedback at Tennis Club AGM that more needs to be done for fund raising. Also comment that recent FB posts are a good start but to increase the activity even further.

All Councillors

Investigate our options with Sports England, the National Lottery and other bodies for funding for improvements to pitches and buildings.

Cllr Brady

16/88  Ask Lois at Withy King if a Parish Councillor can be a trustee of the Tennis Club.