22/113 Approval of apologies given.   Cllr Duke and Cllr Randall have work commitments.

A proposal was made to approve the apologies given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/114. Declarations of Interest.  Cllrs Rawlings rents an allotment from CPC.

22/115. Public recess.  No public

22/116. Approval of minutes from 17th October 2022.

A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/117. Action points from previous meeting.


21/215. Future agenda. Play equipment discussion for Castle View Road, and applications for grant funding. PENDING

22/26. Arrange for further information on costs and probability of solar panels at Chapel PENDING

22/96. Write to local businesses asking for donations for Xmas event. DONE

22/97. Get approval from Finance Committee for £185 Xmas tree costs. Purchase trees with gardening club and arranging planting. DONE

22/98. Get approval from Finance Committee for £116.59 purchase of Remembrance lamppost poppies.  Purchase poppies. DONE

22/99. Get approval from Finance Committee for £79.80 purchase of Remembrance willow tree.  Purchase tree. DONE

22/104. Work with handyman on purchase and install of bollard for hall gates. Funds from Rec building maintenance fund. PENDING.

22/105. Get approval from Finance Committee for £3000 cost of ICCM graveyard inspection. Book inspection when approved. DONE

22/106. Get approval from Finance Committee for £500 chapel doors fund to go into a reserved fund for 2023/24.  Advise RFO. DONE

22/109. Advise RFO to go ahead with grant finder investigation for skate park funds. PENDING YOUTH PROVISION QUESTIONNAIRE TO GATHER MORE INFORMATION.

22/112. Sent agenda request form to Cllr Rawlings ref item for Nov agenda. DONE

Cllr Sunners

22/110. Talk to SMASH (DONE – Only individual referrals taken) and Chiseldon Primary school with regards to youth provision. PENDING. NO REPLY FROM SCHOOL YET.

22/118. Parish Appearance and Safety – Vote on increasing the equipment hire costs for the handyman.

Suggested proposal:

  • Budget of £700 for a new strimmer to replace item stolen. Stihl suggested.
  • Increase hire costs by £260 to go to 31st March 2022 to cover the extra usage before a strimmer is purchased. After Finance committee approval in Jan.
  • Add a further £260 to the annual budget allowance for equipment hire to the 23/24 budget.

A proposal was made to approve the above decisions. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/119. Parishing Progress. No items

22/120. Building and amenity priorities. Tennis Club report. Julie Porte in attendance.

A written report was received from Julie which was shared to all committee members.

Included – Courts have been re-painted and binder applied. Pay and play still being sorted out for Jan 23. Best year for pay and play so far. In Jan the court can be booked and accessed online. Half price membership on offer from now until March 23. Club has done very well in the leagues. 28th Nov AGM at Pat’s Arms pub 7.30pm all Cllrs invited.

No follow up comments or feedback given.

Julie Porte left the meeting 19.52.

22/121. Building and amenity priorities. Football Club report.

Emailed report received which was shared to all committee members.

Included – Ongoing drainage work funded by the club is improving the winter play conditions. Club are using their mower to cut a path between the 2 field entrances. The Clerk had thanked the club for this work.

No follow up comments or feedback given.

22/122. Building and amenity priorities.  Pavilion. No items

22/123. Rec Hall, grounds and carpark.  Consider request from the Neighbourhood Watch (Cllr Sunners) for free use of the hall for bi-monthly meetings with police rep.

The committee had concerns over the extra energy costs arising from these bookings. It was noted that meetings should not be overly lengthy and no more than bi-monthly as stated.  The bookings will be recorded by the Clerk. Cllr Sunners should formally request the booking along with the times required. The committee will review the bookings and energy usage if possible after 6 months.

A proposal was made to allow free hall hire for the NHP with consideration to the above restrictions. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Cllr Sunners arrived 20.00

22/124. Chapel and Museum.   Approval of updated burial fees (and associated items) with the addition of VAT where required.

A proposal was made to approve these new costs with VAT added on various items. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/125. Chapel and Museum. Discussion and vote on any fee to charge when the deed of exclusive right of burial owner has lost the deed so cannot prove ownership.

A proposal was made to place a £50 (inc VAT) charge to investigate this and re-issue a new deed if appropriate to do so. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/126. Community Priorities. Youth Provision

SMASH are not currently providing the type of provision we need. Cllr Sunners will try again to engage with the Primary School. The Council will write to the school to try to get a response if no reply given to Cllr Sunners.

22/127. Castle View Play area.  Review contractor request for payment of extra install costs (work went over allocated hours and required extra materials).

A proposal was made to ask the contractor for a breakdown of labour and materials needed for the work and the committee would consider a refund of extra materials used.

The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/128. Allotments.  Review Cllr Rawlings request for oak tree trimming and hedge cutting.

The last allotment work done to hedges and trees was Jan 2022.  The Clerk is to get separate quotes for the tree work and hedge work and bring back to December meeting.

22/129. Vulnerable People. No items

22/130. Items for next agenda.

Cllr Sunners requests an item for new signage at Strouds Hill green ref mini motorbike use.  The Clerk will send Cllr Sunners the required agenda form to complete.

Meeting closed 20.26


All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


21/215. Future agenda. Play equipment discussion for Castle View Road, and applications for grant funding.

22/26. Arrange for further information on costs and probability of solar panels at Chapel

22/104. Work with handyman on purchase and install of bollard for hall gates. Funds from Rec building maintenance fund.

22/109. Advise RFO to go ahead with grant finder investigation for skate park funds.

22/118. Work with Handyman on purchase of new strimmer.  Advise RFO of new budgeted funds.

22/123. Advise Cllr Sunners of hall hire outcome and talk to RFO to see if costs can be monitored.

22/127. Ask contractor for labour/materials breakdown on invoice and take back to Dec agenda.

22/128. Get quotes for oak tree pruning and also hedge trimming for Dec agenda.

22/130. Provide Cllr Sunners with the agenda request item form for Dec agenda.

Cllr Sunners

22/110. Talk to Chiseldon Primary school with regards to youth provision.