Review of actions from last meeting.

1. History of the Parish

Clair Wilkinson to talk to the Chiseldon History Group to see if they can provide information for this document.

The group have agreed to help after the April opening of the museum. Clair is to remind them before the next meeting.

2. Geographical layout.

Need to make sure all areas of the parish are included, including all outlying areas including farms and small housing clusters.

Steve and Sue Marchant to take this task on.

Clair and Nina can provide maps – A4 size on paper or via email for use.

Clair to send Steve’s email to all group members.

3. Amenities – Now and Future requirements

 This is where there is a need for a questionnaire. To find out the wishes of the residents. 1 questionnaire should be created for all questions. Needs to be on paper delivered to all properties and on-line – Mailchimp or similar.

The questionnaire will start with more open ended questions and further questionnaires can be created once a basic understanding of needs is gathered.

The Parish Council can fund this activity.

This needs a volunteer to handle the information. Add to Facebook to ask.

Can use Google Docs to collate information amongst current members.

An update from the BMX Pump track group would be useful.

 4. Green Spaces

Clair and Nina can do this work.  Pending – still to do.

 5. Paths – Good, Need work and Dangerous/Non-Existent.

Tim Pakenham, David Povey and Chris Rawlings to take on this task.

To include cycle routes as well.

Need to include new pedestrian/cycle routes needed to the proposed    new site on Hodson Road, linking it to the rest of Chiseldon.

The new Burderop Development has no paths leading to Chiseldon or Wroughton.

All other improvements desired can be added to the list/maps.  Need to make sure there is a sustainable transport network across the     parish.

Clair to email all attendees the Parish Councils map of all current traffic/road concerns for reference.

To consider whether the existing 45 cycle path can be re-routed at any hazardous points.


Path between Butts Road and Windmill Piece is dark with no lighting.

Hodson/CHiseldon to Burderop Park needs a pavement to link the 2 areas.

Should Badbury be a 20mph zone due to no pavements?

Cycle path information is pending.

 Clair to contact Alistair at Sustrans to see if there is a desire to have the 45 route altered at all.

A new cycle route to connect Hodson Road to the school would be desirable.

To consider moving obstacles to cycling – sharp turns, difficult gates,   rough terrain. Etc

Consider that bollards on routes will stop those who are not able bodied from using them.

Would pavement splitting 50/50 between pedestrians and cyclists be an option?

The existing verges between Hodson and Burderop – could the land owner be persuaded to allocate land to create a pathway?

6. Housing Needs

Are bungalows needed? Questionnaire to be designed to find out.

No townhouses?

What size of housing is needed?

What affordable housing is needed?

Need to be able to locate on a map any areas for possible development, and areas for no development.

Need to identify possible Brownfield sites and consider them for development. Should be added to the questionnaire.

Steve Duke to start a list of questions for what people would like to improve local housing stock.

Steve has created a draft list. Clair to send to all group members for feedback and additional questions needed.

7. Housing Standards

Ian Kearsey to draw up some ideas for what standards we may want to include in the plan. Consider adding to questionnaire.

Ian H is still researching the SBC requirements. It was noted that many SBC requirements are more suited to town living.

New Item – Ecology

Any relevant information for areas to be protected to be included – ancient woodland, bat habitats or newts etc.

Clair to use Parish Online software to create maps for this.

Is the group ready for Andrea to do a Parish walk around visit?

The group felt that one more meeting in May was required before this happened.

Clair is to ask Aldbourne Parish Council if a meeting could be arrange to discuss their process for their completed NHP.

Attendees should look at Aldbourne NDP & Documents – Aldbourne Parish Council

Items for next meeting:

The crossing points at A346. It was noted that CPC have asked SBC to improve these crossing points with signage, railings etc.

Awaiting a reply from SBC.

Meeting closed 20.45