Meeting link for the public, via Microsoft Teams

Note – a site visit is to be carried out at the Pavilion on the Rec field at 6.45pm before the meeting.


PUBLIC RECESS – to receive questions and comments from the public on Council related matters. Members of the public are allowed to address the Chair for 3 minutes. No decisions will be taken at this meeting. Discussion will only take place when a subject raised is within an agenda item. Maximum 10 minutes

1. Public recess
2. List attendances and apologies for absence. Vote on approval of absences given. Absence with no apologies to be noted separately.
3. Declarations of interests and requests for dispensations voted on.
4. Review and approve minutes from 1st July 2021.
5. Action Points
6. Discuss what public engagement is needed at the present time and how this is to be funded. A vote on expenditure is required to put before Full Council on 9th August for approval.
7. Discuss what is required to remove the existing Rec Hall. Draw up a plan. Review approximate costs from Allbuild as a guideline. See additional information on MS Teams
8. Engage with local skilled people to be able to assist with the project. Discuss how.
9. Discussion on how to manage grant applications
10. Discussion on the future of the current pavilion
11. Budget items to be requested for 2022/23 precept to be discussed & voted on. Final vote can be moved to Sept agenda if required. Cllrs to bring budget ideas to the meeting.
12. Items for first next agenda