20/161 Apologies given: Ward Cllr Sumner not attending due to SBC meeting

20/162 Public recess. No public

20/163 Co-option of New Cllr.

Justine Randall.

Cllr Harris read the legal declarations for Parish Cllr eligibility and Mrs Randall confirmed her eligibility.

Cllr Bates proposed that Justine Randall be co-opted as a Parish Cllr. Cllr Kearsey seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Pauline Barnes.

Cllr Harris read the legal declarations for Parish Cllr eligibility and Mrs Barnes confirmed her eligibility.

Cllr Jefferies proposed that Pauline Barnes be co-opted as a Parish Cllr. Cllr D Rogers seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Mrs  Randall and Mrs Barnes were not yet entitled to vote on council matters as the “Acceptance of Office” declaration had not yet been signed. They joined in discussions but did not vote on any items on the agenda.

20/164 Declarations of interests & vote on any dispensations applied for. None

20/165 Approval of minutes from 14th December 2020  No changes

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings that these minutes were accurate. Seconded by Cllr A Rogers, all Cllrs were in favour.

20/166 Action points:


20/137 Update the Sickness and Absence policy & Reserves policy. Upload all 3 policies onto website and MS Teams page. S&A Policy to do, other 2 policies loaded to website and  MS Teams.

20/155 Add EGPA secondment to Jan meeting. DONE

20/156 Advise on CPC attendance to Police Community meetings. DONE

Cllr Jefferies

20/09 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Still waiting for SBC officer update.  No update received from SBC.

20/167. Presentation on precept requirement from PCC Angus McPherson

Proposing an annual £15 increase per band D property which equals £1.25 per month.  Wiltshire Police has the lowest south west force precept. They are £40 per band D behind Dorset Police

The force will need to make savings even with this proposed increase.  Angus encourages people to complete the survey on this matter to get feedback of local views.

A question was asked about the fact that the Parish is rural but also have 2 M4 junctions close by, but are lower in our % of Gov funding? The area must be tempting for crime such as drug dealing.

Angus encourages people to talk to their MP to lobby the Gov. The crime stats and areas have changed since laws were introduced for the division of funds.

Community Speed Watch was clarified as not running during lock down. The police are still doing speed checks as they are employees so safety measures can be implemented easier. Need to keep the public safe and CSW will return as soon as possible.

Trainee officers are currently learning remotely and will shadow an officer for 18 months until qualified.

20/168 Community Safety report, including crime stats.  Cllr Sunners

Nov crimes in Swindon – 1519.  In Chiseldon Parish there were 15, which included 12 fuel drive-offs. The remainder were 1 criminal damage/arson, 1 anti-social behaviour, and 1 violent offence.

There is an active NHW group in Chiseldon. The latest newsletter will go to all Cllrs.

20/169 Ward Cllrs update.  Ward Cllr Jefferies for Chiseldon & Lawn Ward.

There is progress on the reduced speed limit signs at DF. A “no HGV” sign will be added to the lane with the bridge over the stream on the side road nearby.

Thames Water update – waiting to hear back on “making good” the area.

Clerk mentioned the New Road hedge cutting – Cllr Mattock will chase the letter to landowners from SBC.

(Cllr McDonald left the meeting temporarily)

Ward Cllr Mattock for Chiseldon and Lawn Ward.

New Covid grants are being approved at SBC. The Public Health responsibility has increased. There is a lot of SBC staff movement due to certain busy areas.

The vaccination program for over 80’s is going well. There is concern over whether people need to visit Bristol for vaccination? No need as STEAM and GWH have resources available.

Still waiting for Earthline Planning Inspectorate decision. Only then can officers look at speed/weight limits/road damage.

Currently Chiseldon & Wroughton surgeries are not providing vaccines. More GP’s are joining the scheme so hope more will in time. Hoping pharmacies can also take part.

(Cllr McDonald returns to the meeting)

WC Jefferies will look into whether there is a service that can take people to and from their vaccine appointment and let the Clerk know.

If there are any surgery issues then contact WC Jefferies and she will assist.

WC Mattock leaves the meeting at 20.44

20/170. Secondment of Cllrs to EGPA committee

New Cllrs Randall and Barnes will join this committee from the Jan 2021 meeting.

20/171. Vexatious Complainer policy approval

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings that this policy be adopted by the Council. Seconded by Cllr Kearsey, all Cllrs were in favour.

20/172. Quarterly website review

No comments made for improvement. Clerk to ask Sanders if they can report on how many people use the new search facility.

Clerk to also add to website and FB that there is a new search facility available.

20/173. Review of budget vs expenditure report.

Query over the values in “Rec Grounds Maintenance” and “Rec Waste Collection”. Clerk to run off detailed reports for all Cllrs to view.  Can be reviewed in Feb meeting if Cllrs request.

20/174. Confidential item to employ solicitor for ongoing legal matter.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings that the councils budgeted legal funds of up to £2000 be used for payment of a solicitor to assist with an ongoing legal matter. Seconded by Cllr Sunners, all Cllrs were in favour.

Standing Order point.  The meeting reached 2 hours in duration triggering a vote on whether to continue or postpone the rest of the agenda items to a new date.

A proposal was made by Cllr Jefferies to complete all agenda items at this meeting. Seconded by Cllr Rawlings, all Cllrs were in favour.

20/175 Committee Reports

Finance – November 2020 financial report.

A proposal was made by Cllr Kearsey that the November finance figures were an accurate representation of the councils income and expenditure for the month. Seconded by Cllr Rawlings, all Cllrs were in favour.

Finance – December 2020 financial report.

A proposal was made by Cllr Kearsey that the December finance figures were an accurate representation of the councils income and expenditure for the month. Seconded by Cllr Jefferies, all Cllrs were in favour.

EGPA  – New bench installed in Millennium Wood. Still waiting for STWFC to get back to committee with requirements for pitch usage in 2021. Will be adding to Full Council agenda for approval when resolved by Committee

Planning –  Approach from landowner to adopt land at Badbury behind the Berricot Lane development. Committee will look into this to see if viable and cost effective. The New Road Build Out poll results to date will be discussed at next committee meeting.

Risk Assessments – Jan 2021  Financial Risk to be done in Jan.

Following RA’s to be deferred due to lockdown:

  • Rec Hall/Carpark
  • Pavilion
  • Rec Field
  • Cemeteries
  • CVPA
  • Street Furniture – postponed from Dec 2020
  • Allotments

In Dec 2020 the RA’s for Cemetery Maintenance and Millennium Copse were done with no items identified as a risk needing attention.

Clerks Correspondence – no comments

20/176 Items for next agenda.   

Cllr Sunners would like a local Covid/Food box update.

Cllr Kearsey would like Finance Committee to discuss move to On-line banking.


20/137   Update the Sickness and Absence policy & Reserves policy.  Upload all 3 policies onto website and MS Teams page.     S&A Policy to do, other 2 policies loaded to website and  MS Teams.

20/172 Clerk to ask Sanders if they can report on how many people use the new search facility. Also add update to FB and website if that facility is available.

20/173 Run detailed accounts reports on 2 Cost Centre’s listed and email to all Cllrs for review.

20/176  Feb Full council – Covid Update.

20/176  March Finance Committee – On-line Banking investigation.

Cllr Jefferies

20/09 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Still waiting for SBC officer update.

20/169 Look into a service that can take vaccination patients to and from their appointments – report back to Clerk

WC Mattock

20/169 Chase up SBC with letter to landowner for cutting back hedges at New Road