You are summoned to the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee.

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1. Attendances and apologies for absence. Absence with no apologies to be recorded separately. Vote on approval of apologies.
2. Declarations of Interest and vote on any dispensations required.
3. Public Recess. 10 minutes maximum, 3 minutes per speaker if multiple speakers.
4. Approval of minutes from 26th November 2020
5. Action points.


6. Discuss & Vote on S/20/1663. Change of use of barn at Overtown Farm. Café/Restaurant/Wedding venue.
7. Discuss and vote on offer of land adjacent to the new development site off Berricot Lane in Badbury. See additional documentation.


8. Discussion & vote on whether to include a disabled parking bay on the proposed improved parking area at Draycot Foliat.
9. Discussion & vote on residents concern over parking issues at Manor Rise T junction – see additional documentation
10. Discussion & vote if required on all the current SID’s and proposed SID’s within the Parish. See additional documentation.
11. Discussion on survey feedback to date on New Road Build Out. (Feedback not complete) See document in MS Teams Files page.


12. No items
13. Items for next agenda (Note, these items cannot be voted on at this meeting)