20/80. Declarations of Interest.

Cllr A Rogers lives in Hodson so will not vote on any SID decision, agenda item 10.

Public Recess:

no public

20/81. Approval of minutes from 29th October 2020.

No changes

A proposal to approve these minutes as an accurate reflection of the meeting was made by Cllr D Rogers, seconded by Cllr Kearsey and all Cllrs in favour.

20/82. Action points from previous meeting.



20/68 | 20/69 | 20/70 | 20/71 | 20/72 | 20/73 Reply to SBC with outcome of votes for planning applications – DONE

20/60 | 20/61 Contact Mr Walton to see if he can assist with contacts for layby work. ONGOING – NO REPLY YET

20/74 Cllrs Planning application guide – add templates to this document for how to reply to SBC. ONGOING

20/75 Contact SBC to advise that CPC still feel the dip in The Canney pavement could pose a slip hazard in winter. TO BE DONE.

With Cllr Kearsey

20/76 Clerk and Cllr Kearsey to work on draft survey contents.
Add this item to November Planning agenda including costs for survey on paper and on-line. DONE – ON AGENDA

20/83. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on application S/ADV/20/1364. Advertising boards at Burderop Park

It was noted that there are no SBC Highways objections to these signs.

A proposal to reply supporting this application was made by Cllr Kearsey, seconded by Cllr D Rogers and all Cllrs in favour.

20/84. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on street naming suggestions for Burderop Park

Cllr Harris suggested that having 3 streets using “Park” and 2 using “Mansion” may hinder the already overworked postal service so more variety should be used on the street names.

A proposal was made by Cllr Harris to suggest more variety on street names. Seconded by Cllr Rawlings and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/85. HIGHWAYS. Discuss & vote on New Road Build Out survey details and costs of paper survey creation.

The committee were happy with the contents of the proposed survey.
A quote from Minuteman for 200 leaflets is £72.18 plus VAT
An alternative contact for quotes of Peter Hayman was suggested – the Clerk will ask for a quote for comparison.

It was proposed by Cllr A Rogers to proceed with the survey on-line and on paper and to approve printing costs of £72.18 or less subject to Clerk receiving more quotes. Seconded by Cllr D Rogers and all Cllrs in favour.

20/86. HIGHWAYS. Hodson Speed Indicator device. Deferred from 3 months ago.

The committee were waiting to see if the proposed Badbury SID was a useful speed deterrent.

Cllr Harris proposed another 3 month deferment.
Cllr D Rogers questioned whether Badbury needs a SID as rat running is more of an issue.

An agenda item is to be added for Jan 2021 for SID’s in general. All locations. Thoughts in general on how well they are working and where they are needed.
The Clerk is to download the information from the Hodson Road SID and share with Cllrs.

20/87. HIGHWAYS. Parking layby’s at Draycot Foliat and Windmill Piece.

Currently no responses to the adverts displayed for contractors to quote for the work. SBC have indicated a willingness to meet via Teams/Zoom to discuss further but no date for this has been forthcoming.


No items

20/89. Items for the next agenda

No items

Meeting closed at 20.00



20/83 | 20/84 Reply to SBC with outcome of votes for planning applications & consultations

20/60 | 20/61 Contact Mr Walton to see if he can assist with contacts for layby work. CHASE

20/74 Cllrs Planning application guide – add templates to this document for how to reply to SBC

20/75 Contact SBC to advise that CPC still feel the dip in The Canney pavement could pose a slip hazard in winter.

20/85 Create and publish on-line survey and arrange for paper survey to be created.

20/77 Re-send letter to SBC noting that New Road needs to be closed to be re-surfaced and that residents support this.
Clerk to also chase Ward Cllrs on hedge cutting on New Road and contact SBC direct to ensure that they advise the landowner of their responsibilities.

20/86 Download data from Hodson Road SID. Add generic SID discussion to Jan planning agenda. Add Hodson SID discussion for March 2021